Rome vs Han China

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Well... I don't think China had rockets during the Han dynasty. Gunpowder wasn't invented until the late Tang, and firearms not until the Song. And let me try this: :rollin


Bow Seat
VIP Professional
well, a roman legion was very well organize, a roman legion was composed of 10 cohort, each with 540 men and 7 centurions and the first cohort carry an imperial eagle that inspire man during battle, 2 wing of cavarly, and 600 auxiliary (archer and some spearman), the roman had very good training and morale. They don't use cavalry as main combat force, only as auxiliary and most of the cavalry were non-roman citizen but people that were very good hosreman, they were from Gaul and even sometime, Germania. The Cavalry are good to attack from behind (that's how Hannibal won the Battle of Canae) but in this time, that were not the imperial legion, was the republic era-legion that were citizen drafted for the war. The roman imperial legion was very well disciplined and good armor, they main weapon was the pila, pilum or the javelin, each legionnary usually have 2, one light and one heavy, the light got better range and the heavy very good armor piercing, they were also design to break when hitting something or something, but the broken-part stayed on the rest, when it's break, the rear part of the javelin will fall on the ground without detach, so the roman soldier, only have to march on the "broken part" and if the pilum was in the shield, the shield will be pulled and do not protect the ennemy soldier anymore. The cavalry was efficient against roman soldiers but only on the initial charge , the roman also fight in 3 lines, so if the cavalry break the 1st line, the 2nd will always counter-charge. The legionnary was unbeateable on hand-to-hand fighting. It's be pretty interesting a combat between those 2.
rommel said:
well, a roman legion was very well organize, a roman legion was composed of 10 cohort, each with 540 men and 7 centurions and the first cohort carry an imperial eagle that inspire man during battle, 2 wing of cavarly, and 600 auxiliary (archer and some spearman), the roman had very good training and morale. They don't use cavalry as main combat force, only as auxiliary and most of the cavalry were non-roman citizen but people that were very good hosreman, they were from Gaul and even sometime, Germania. The Cavalry are good to attack from behind (that's how Hannibal won the Battle of Canae) but in this time, that were not the imperial legion, was the republic era-legion that were citizen drafted for the war. The roman imperial legion was very well disciplined and good armor, they main weapon was the pila, pilum or the javelin, each legionnary usually have 2, one light and one heavy, the light got better range and the heavy very good armor piercing, they were also design to break when hitting something or something, but the broken-part stayed on the rest, when it's break, the rear part of the javelin will fall on the ground without detach, so the roman soldier, only have to march on the "broken part" and if the pilum was in the shield, the shield will be pulled and do not protect the ennemy soldier anymore. The cavalry was efficient against roman soldiers but only on the initial charge , the roman also fight in 3 lines, so if the cavalry break the 1st line, the 2nd will always counter-charge. The legionnary was unbeateable on hand-to-hand fighting. It's be pretty interesting a combat between those 2.

Of course, you can use cavalary to attack from the rear, the flanks, or from multiple angles at once. Also, swords are not very effective against cavalry, especially spear-armed cavalry. Also, cavalry archers are very hard to counter with heavy infantry.


Junior Member
Han Chinese - Romans

Crossbow - shortbow.

Plate armour - Legion armour.

Millions of soldiers - Thousands.

Allied (With goths, Germans, Brittanias, Vandals...) - Alone...
Liberator said:
Han Chinese - Romans

Crossbow - shortbow.

Plate armour - Legion armour.

Millions of soldiers - Thousands.

Allied (With goths, Germans, Brittanias, Vandals...) - Alone...

Only a very small fraction of Chinese soldiers had plate armor, while most used armor made from pieces of bamboo and leather. Also, in numbers it will be something around 2,000,000 versus 500,000. And in this discussion, I thought we were excluding allies.


The Punisher
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Liberator said:
Allied (With goths, Germans, Brittanias, Vandals...) - Alone...
why would all those groups be allies with Han? it'll more likely to be free-for-all rather than allies.

anyone know what kind of formations would the Han use?


Junior Member
why would all those groups be allies with Han? it'll more likely to be free-for-all rather than allies.

Cuz they know its a Empire versus a Empire. They would co-operate with the Han for sure to repel the ROman invaders.


Junior Member
T-U-P said:
why would all those groups be allies with Han? it'll more likely to be free-for-all rather than allies.

anyone know what kind of formations would the Han use?

Chinese ancient armies uses all kinds of formation depending on the terrain and enemy. There're a series of formations that has from numbers 1-10. For example, Four dragons formation, Three hook, etc etc.

The Han army could just encircle the enemy and shoot it up with missile weapons, and when the enemy's morale is broken (6/10 of the enemies dead) then use the cavalry to charge them.


New Member
For the love of cake not another rome vs china!!! Well heres a simple answer.

Rome went to war with the parthians and the siung niu (middle east Kazakhtan) in the latter parts of the roman empire(100. ad) The romans lost because the Parthians had heavy armored cavalry which dispatched the enemy lines, scattered and confused them. THus making them vulnerable to attack. The roman spear wall became ineffective because of the length of there spears 10 to 15 feet long making them useless in close quarters, if the parthians break through there lines there dead.

A few years later when the parthians were controling the silk road, china was pissed and sent her armies. The chinese having superior tactics and having better weapons (Zhao,Mao tridents) at hand which were more flexible and better than spears 15 feet long and gladius' which were to heavy for a short sword, were more evenly matched against the Parthians.

After some while when the parthians were defeated, the chinese general who sieged the parthians recalled yellow haired barbarians in the parthians troops who used what he defines as a fish scale formation, with shields linked together. He also recalled seeing them used double palisades for defense (No doubt roman).

Before violently reacting to my posts, google the ones below.

My source - Homer Dubbs, historian.
The city of Lee Jien, the lost roman city in china.
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