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F-86 did shoot down MiGs during Korean War, both Soviet and PLA admitted it. PLAAF had more than 1000 MiG-15s in the 1950s. 17 J-5s were produced in 1956, 142 J-5s in 1957, and 429 J-5s in 1958. Even if we use the inflated ROCAF record, 31 is not bigger than 500. PLA doesn’t have honest tradition either, propaganda and PSYOP are PLA’s forte. That would be pot calling kettle black.
Accuracy of ballistic missile does matter. If you can’t hit it, you can’t destroy it.
Iraq had about 50 airbases, and 24 of them are the main ones. Coalition expected JP233 submunitions would paralyze the airbases for a day, but sometimes they were repaired in 4-6 hours. A week after Desert Storm began, coalition were still attacking them (more than 3000 sorties against airfields in Desert Storm). Coalition fighters still engaged some Iraqi fighters, and more than 100 Iraqi fighters fled to Iran. In other words, Coalition did not really kill Iraq sortie rate generation, but won by Iraqi refusal to fight. From Desert Storm perspective, anything that achieved tactical objective is good enough. But you cannot assume the same will happen in other wars. Taiwan is much smaller than Iraq and has about 30 airbases, of which about 10 are the main ones. PLAAF could also attack differently from the Desert Storm Parallel War/Strategic bombing style, and concentrate purely on SEAD and airbase attacks. On the other hand: 1. ROCAF’s air defense system is better than Iraq’s KARI. 2. PLAAF is not superior to Coalition in Desert Storm.
Ballistic/Cruise missile and PLAAF is a very formidable combination. However that doesn’t mean you could assume whatever the hell you want. Airbase attack and SEAD aren’t that easy.
PLA’s ballistic missiles could reach Taiwan in 5-8 minutes, depending on missile type and launch location/target position. Right now Taiwan has very limited early warning capability, even though US shares some DSP information with some delay. Currently Taiwan is acquiring PAVE PAW, which will detect Ballistic missile during boost stage. TK-2’s Chang-Bai is also being modified along with the TK ATBM system.
In general, ballistic missile detection is complex. For long-range missiles, DSP and satellite is the best way. US DSP and space detection are very good at it. For short-range missiles, long-range early warning radar is relatively better. During Operation Iraqi Freedom, US used AEGIS along with DSP. The result was somewhat favorable, given Iraqi missiles were extremely short ranged. Ultimately, the effectiveness of radar depends on level of technology. Not everyone has technology comparable to US.
Accuracy of ballistic missile does matter. If you can’t hit it, you can’t destroy it.
Iraq had about 50 airbases, and 24 of them are the main ones. Coalition expected JP233 submunitions would paralyze the airbases for a day, but sometimes they were repaired in 4-6 hours. A week after Desert Storm began, coalition were still attacking them (more than 3000 sorties against airfields in Desert Storm). Coalition fighters still engaged some Iraqi fighters, and more than 100 Iraqi fighters fled to Iran. In other words, Coalition did not really kill Iraq sortie rate generation, but won by Iraqi refusal to fight. From Desert Storm perspective, anything that achieved tactical objective is good enough. But you cannot assume the same will happen in other wars. Taiwan is much smaller than Iraq and has about 30 airbases, of which about 10 are the main ones. PLAAF could also attack differently from the Desert Storm Parallel War/Strategic bombing style, and concentrate purely on SEAD and airbase attacks. On the other hand: 1. ROCAF’s air defense system is better than Iraq’s KARI. 2. PLAAF is not superior to Coalition in Desert Storm.
Ballistic/Cruise missile and PLAAF is a very formidable combination. However that doesn’t mean you could assume whatever the hell you want. Airbase attack and SEAD aren’t that easy.
PLA’s ballistic missiles could reach Taiwan in 5-8 minutes, depending on missile type and launch location/target position. Right now Taiwan has very limited early warning capability, even though US shares some DSP information with some delay. Currently Taiwan is acquiring PAVE PAW, which will detect Ballistic missile during boost stage. TK-2’s Chang-Bai is also being modified along with the TK ATBM system.
In general, ballistic missile detection is complex. For long-range missiles, DSP and satellite is the best way. US DSP and space detection are very good at it. For short-range missiles, long-range early warning radar is relatively better. During Operation Iraqi Freedom, US used AEGIS along with DSP. The result was somewhat favorable, given Iraqi missiles were extremely short ranged. Ultimately, the effectiveness of radar depends on level of technology. Not everyone has technology comparable to US.