report of H-8 bomber


Lieutenant General
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I have very strong doubts ... :confused:

Here's another report from CMF stating something abouta Jan. 5. date wich would fit to the H-6K.

隱形轟8 已首飛
10個月前騰空 10月31日晚鳳凰台首度公開 攜帶新型隱形巡航導彈能攻擊北美



轟8是在八○年代末轟7飛豹首飛後列為機密重點型號的戰略轟炸機,也是中國第一種隱形飛機。報導說,1994年正式立項研製,中央賦予其指標是儘量接近美國B-2A;載彈量不低於18噸;必要時可以1.2馬赫超音速突防或逃逸; 攜帶新型隱形巡航導彈能攻擊北美;航程不少於一萬公里;具備空中加油能力;採用國產最先進航電設備等等。任務由603所設計,西飛公司負責生產,成為第一種國產戰略轟炸機。

據報導,轟8大量應用高新技術如翼身融合、電傳飛控、曲面機身、前後緣襟翼、機翼大型一體化油箱、大面積碳纖維複合材料、碳碳剎車、內置旋轉式武器掛架、地形匹配跟蹤雷達、數字地圖、複合導航系統、衛星數據鏈、全新先進吸波隱形納米塗料等等不勝枚舉。轟8最近能飛起來,得益於四台去年定型的太行渦扇發動機,太行也是殲10A和殲11B的心臟。這種戰鬥和轟炸機共用同族發動機的好處早已被美軍證實,能賦予轟8中國飛機最遠的航程,達1萬1000多公里。12枚紅鳥3巡航導彈分佈在兩個六枚旋轉武器掛架上,每枚可攜核彈頭,射程 3000公里,亦能帶雷石6等衛星制導炸彈和反艦導彈等武器。


Are there any reports or comments of some of the big shrimps regarding this topic !???

CHeers, Deino


Junior Member
Seriously, regarding the recent waves of PSed/CG pictures and rumors about stealth FC1, stealth J10, JXX and now this stealth H8, my observation is:

Either the freedom of speech/BS in Chinese media/internet just reached a new high

Or China is spreading all these rumors purposefully to hide the real leak. The best place to hide an article of Gold is in a bucket of sand. Sooner or later we will feel fed up with these ridiculous news/rumors, and we may ignore the real information leaked out accidentally. I think it's about time.
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Lieutenant General
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Seriously, regarding the recent waves of PSed/CG pictures and rumors about stealth FC1, stealth J10, JXX and now this stealth H8, my observation is:

Either the freedom of speech/BS in Chinese media/internet just reached a new high

Or China is spreading all these rumors purposefully to hide the real leak. The best place to hide an article of Gold is in a bucket of sand. Sooner or later we will feel fed up with these ridiculous news/rumors, and we may ignore the real information leaked out accidentally. I think it's about time.

I can only agree with that statement !

Baibar of Jalat

Junior Member
I do believe China has gained knowledge on B2 engines specifically (reducing infra red signiture) through spying, if you believe the charges against the indian born scientist then China has gained alot of knowledge about these types of aircraft. I am not saying it will be flying anytime in next five years.

I believe a stealthy bomber would be a massive technological victory for China because all of China's neighbours do not have similiar aircraft (closest rival is Russia). Plus think of the deterent value of a stealth bomber. I am I right to assume there are no plans to fit stealth detecting radars on US naval ships anytime soon? again this will be a factor in detering US entry for Taiwan.


Banned Idiot
China is joint developing the fly-by-wire system with US companies. China has quickly learned from foreign technology.

China could field an indigenous fly-by-wire system for large aircraft within ten years. Today is 2007. In 1997, most people in America and the European Union would have laughed if you told them the Chinese military would be where it is now within ten years.

I think China is capable of producing a long-range bomber within 10 years if China deems it necessary.


Junior Member
J-10 is already a fly-by-wire aircraft. If they can do it in a small plane, what is the difference doing it in a bigger plane.


Senior Member
A fly-by-wire system for a fighter jet would be more complex than a bomber. So fly-by-wire is certainly not an obstacle for the PLA.

A more important question is whether a stealth bomber is suitable for the PLA at all. They are expensive to build and maintain. Anti-stealth technologies are no longer novel now. The PLA doesn't have the quantity of long-range bombers to follow up on an initial "kick the door down" stealth aircraft strike.

As a strategic weapon delivery platform, it's inferior to a ballistic missile for countervalue targets. The best way to use something like this would be for counterforce targets.

However, it would be believable if the program started as a big "B-2" type bomber in the 90's, then redesigned to be a smaller UCAV. I'm thinking along the lines of a cross between a Barracuda and a B-2. We've already had multiple rumors before that China is developing something like the Barracuda. We've also seen the models of the Anjian (Dark Sword) and Anying (Dark Shadow) UCAV concepts.

My conclusion is that there is something here. Most likely, a prototype of a UCAV bomber is being test flown. It probably resembles the Anjian concept. The program is advanced enough that it's given a PLAAF designation -- H-8.


Lieutenant General
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A fly-by-wire system for a fighter jet would be more complex than a bomber. So fly-by-wire is certainly not an obstacle for the PLA.

A more important question is whether a stealth bomber is suitable for the PLA at all. They are expensive to build and maintain. Anti-stealth technologies are no longer novel now. The PLA doesn't have the quantity of long-range bombers to follow up on an initial "kick the door down" stealth aircraft strike.

As a strategic weapon delivery platform, it's inferior to a ballistic missile for countervalue targets. The best way to use something like this would be for counterforce targets.

However, it would be believable if the program started as a big "B-2" type bomber in the 90's, then redesigned to be a smaller UCAV. I'm thinking along the lines of a cross between a Barracuda and a B-2. We've already had multiple rumors before that China is developing something like the Barracuda. We've also seen the models of the Anjian (Dark Sword) and Anying (Dark Shadow) UCAV concepts.

My conclusion is that there is something here. Most likely, a prototype of a UCAV bomber is being test flown. It probably resembles the Anjian concept. The program is advanced enough that it's given a PLAAF designation -- H-8.
anjian is an UCAV for A2A combat rather than strike missions. So, it would definitely not get an H-8 designation.