I'm not an expert in this domain. However, I do know that allowing the yuan to become a reserve currency would increase demand for the yuan in the global currency market, putting upward pressure on the value of the yuan while maintaining the current value would require more yuan would have to be printed, causing inflation in China. So, allowing the value to appreciate would eliminate China's trade advantage and makes its peoducts less competitive globally. Therefore, i think that's why China still maintains capital controls to keep demand for the yuan limited, or I'm I mistaken?
Plus, there's also the outsized role played by the United States in capital markets, trade and debt reinforces the status quo.
Else it's unreasonable that despite China's large economy and beings the world's top trader, its share of RMB in use for world trade/reserve currency is even below that of our currency the pound and even Japanese Yen.
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I think it's also because of the reason I mentioned above? To be honest, as long as this is the case, I don't see the Yuan ever being a significant challenge to the US Dollar. Unless the global economy undergoes a complete overhaul(which is unlikely anytime soon).