We go to the JFK assassination site every time we go to Dallas. How many of you believe the conspiracy theory for the JFK assassination? I have watched almost every single piece of documentary on the subject, either for or against the conspiracy theory. Each side has their evidence, which all sound solid. Overall, I am sliding slightly toward the lone gunner theory since all the "questionable" evidence, such as the magic bullet, can be explained by facts. For example, people keep asking about the magic bullet that seemingly changed direction. They assumed all passengers sat in the limo on even level and all facing forward. With this sitting position, the bullet trajectory does not line up, thus giving rise to the conspiracy theory of having a second gunner. However, videos show that the passengers did not all sit forward and JFK sat in the back, which was much higher than the Texas governor sitting in the front. And at the time of the shooting, the Texas governor was facing to the side while taking to JFK.