With respect, I have a question for any moderators but specifically for Jeff after reading the last several pages?
Does questioning other members' personal loyalty to their countries constitutes a personal attack under SDF rules?
For example,
Can I imply/accuse an American member of disloyalty if he/she is critical of American interventionism oversea?
Conversely, can I imply/accuse a Chinese member of disloyalty if he/she is critical of PRC's anti corruption effort?
In America people are free to their opinions. If you offer n opinion that someone is disloyal, make sur eit is just that...an opinion. And then make sure it is done with respect and not as a flame war. People are free to discuss it among themselves.
But remember, SD IS NOT a political forum. If politics starts to come into it...it will not be long before we, as moderators ask that to stop. This is a Defense Forum, mainly about weapons systems, force levels, equipment, weapons, ships, aircraft, sensors, weapons, etc., etc. and the capabilities they have and the force structure and plans/dies that control their use.
But the Rules on SD specifically state that we are not going to allow people to come on here and flame bait and run other people's countries down because of their animus for it, because of political ideology, etc, etc.
A person can feel free to question decisions of countries, but on SD you have to keep that type of disagreement above attacking other people or their countries.
Since this is a privately run forum, and since the rues are posted, everyone implicitly agrees to abide by them when they start posting. If they do not, we will let you know...and if rules continued to be disobeyed, then we warn, suspend, and ultimately ban people if it does not stop.
We do not want a free fire, flame bait, argumentative, and free for all forum here. We want it kept professional and when there is disagreement to do so with respect of those who may disagree with you.
Anyhow...hope that helps.
A person does not become a dissident merely because they disagree with political statements or decisions by one administration or another. In the US we have peaceful and effective ways for the people to effect change without fighting or getting ugly.
Now, that does not mean that "anything" goes. People who try and destroy the country from within can still be prosecuted for any number of things...for inciting riots, to violating security acts, etc.
But having a different opinion is not one of those.