BD, Jeff, and many others have loved and built this forum into a place where members can honestly and candidly voice their expertise,,opinions, concerns, and occasionally just vent, that benefits each of us. I know for a fact that Master BD was broken hearted over the lack of respect that He, Jeff, and others had cultivated to make SDF the most honest, fair, accurate military forum on the Web..
I would love for BD to come back and give Master Jeff the back-up he needs right now, and I pray he will, but ugliness and brutality against one another are just not up to this forum standards, and it does hurt our brothers whom have poured their heart and soul into this forum, this is their "Magnum Opus", please show the courtesy these two gentlemen always display toward one another..
SDF hangs in the balance here friends.
While I agree with most of what you said it's been obvious that any "venting" is a major part of the problem ruining civility in the forum.
I have to add that it is unhelpful when moderation includes rehashes of inflammatory posts that were removed which essentially keeps the inflammatory content around and may also come off as moderators taking sides.
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