Amen to that Popeye.
We have our own home and have an electric bill, a gas bill, and an irrigation water bill. We live just outside of town and have our own septic tank and drain field, and we have our own well with a pump well below the low water table mark.
That just means our water bill is part of the electrical bill.
The irrigation bill is for irrigation water provided from the Dam where I work (which also produces electricity and also provides a huge recreation area). We get so much water allocated per year for our one acre of land and we have a seperate pump to pull the water from the irrigation water distribution system (it used to be a small canal, but is nw all underground and in pipes where we live) and are charged each year for the addition to the electrical power to drive the pump which then is used to water our lawn. Without water in this part of the country, all lawns and all landscaping would die, except desert style landscaping.
On Saturday, when Gail and I went to the movie, while we were gone, one of our neighbors had left a smoldering burn pile on the edge of their property. They then left for the weekend to go camping. In the afternoon, the wind came up, fanned it into life, and it started a grass fire which blew directly twoard our house. it burned right up to the house all along the back and right up to our storage shed. We were blessed with two things:
1) The grass was short, so the flames were not too tall.
2) A person passing by on our street noticed the flames who stopped, called 911, and then himself took our front hose, dragged it to the back, and was watering down the house and lawn until the fire department arrived and put it out. I found out who he was and we will take him and his wife to dinner.
We had a couple of strips of vinyl siding that melted, a burnt back yard, but no other damage. Once the Fire Department issues its report, our neighbor's insurance will pay for our damages. But we were blessed. Gail came home to a blackened yard in back and some melted siding...but a house standing with all of our belongings in it.