We had a real tragedy near my home town last weekend. Near Council, Idaho, a rancher, Jack Yantis, was called to come and take care of one of his bulls that had been hit on US Highway 95, which passes by his property,
Jack raises bulls. The area there is "Open Range," meaning that the vehicle drivers are responsible to avoid live stock on or near the road.
Anyhow, a prize bull had been hit and had its leg shattered. Read what happened at the following site I set up for Jack and what happened to him late last night:
A terrible tragedy and senseless loss of a good man. Jack was 62 years old, a life-long rancher who was raised in Council.
I am sure these deputies did not start the day, or go to that accident scene with the idea that they were going to kill a rancher. I know many Sheriff's deputies around here and most all of them are good people, trying to do a hard job as best they can.
In this case, when the Rancher went to put the bull down...and the deputies had asked him through their dispatch to come down and take care of it...apparently one of the officers reacted badly to the site of the rifle, and when it discharged, immediately shot Jack...and his partner, seeing this, joined in.
I certainly think that negligence or over reaction cost this man his life.
I believe that one or both of these officers are going to lose their jobs and probably be convicted over this. There will definitely be a large wrongful death suite as well.
Sad to see this happen.
A lot more details at the site above from eyewitnesses who saw it all happen. The wife (who suffered a heart attack when this happened), a nephew, a friend of the family, and another bystander all tell pretty much the same story.
To his credit, the local Sheriff, Ryan Zollman, immediately turned this over to the Idaho State Troopers and the Idaho State Attorney General's office for investigation.