It' My sister died 11 months after this photo after 7 year bout with cancer. My EX-wife has been battling cancer for a little more than three years and is now terminal.
The only thing I can say is stop smoking. eat a regular diet. get regular sleep. mildly exercise. Drink alcohol only in moderation Cut all stupidity out of your life. Rid yourself of evil and rancor. And forgive and love everyone you may have malice towards. You shall be better of if you do those things..
My condolences for the lost of your sister. And may the good Lord bless your ex that she may be comforted.
I lost my father to heart diease in 2004. My brother, Greg, to lymphoma cancer that same year. He was 48. My Mom died of old age at 87 this last October (2012) and my oldest brother, Lee, a month later to ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). He was 60. All have gone home to rest with their Lord and loved ones.
I'm in no hurry mind you, but I look forward to being gathered together with them in due time.
As to the advise. Very good.
"stop smoking. eat a regular diet. get regular sleep. mildly exercise. Drink alcohol only in moderation Cut all stupidity out of your life. Rid yourself of evil and rancor."
Never smoked, never drank alcohol, have been physically active my whole life, I retire early to bed and arise early. Sometimes, even if you live the health laws 100%, the good Lord in His Wisdom and according to His will, allows these things to happen in your life. Gives you a chance to rise above the lesser things in life if you will look to Him and His Son to live, and to be a witness for His name to others. I have promised Him, for the rest of my days, that I will...and I do so witness now to anyone reading this.
These things give us a chance to take a lesson from Job, a rightous man who suffered affliction nonetheless was led to exclaim, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord."
I can say that in all humility...from the depths of my soul. In the is good, all of it. Ups and the downs and it is all a gift and a blessing.
"forgive and love everyone you may have malice towards. You shall be better of if you do those things."
Amen to every bit of that!