Unbelievable. These guys are just moving so fast
Yeah, unbelievable. They got something that could be working at a high level or decent level. This does not some like some promising project, or vapourware, this sounds like it is really for production. This is real.
The only way other companies would jump in like this, is that they demonstrated something useful, that is my guess, because the quantum is still kind of like classified tech. My point here, is that the economic considerations, are just as important in the tech story. Chinese companies have the cash, and are willing to invest into this classified tech, which turn propels things faster ahead, in terms of deployment and development.
Seems like the quantum-classical fusion (lack of a better term) could be a thing in itself, or a standardized process until the million qbits machine appears, or it really can be a real long term system or new system in computing.
There is like total silence in the West, aka America, regarding any of this quantum-classical fusion, that the Chinese are going full steam ahead with.
They, meaning those computer scientist, always talked about how the quantum computer will need to fix the error correction problem before they can proceed to the next step in building a quantum computer. Okay, I do not believe they managed to fix error correction here for the quantum computer, in this quantum-classical fusion setup, so I wonder, how they get around it? Get the supercomputer to do the error correction for the quantum computer? LOL!? That I am pulling outta mah ass.
They're holding back. You know, when the Chinese launched their quantum satellite, I really thought the Americans would launch theirs in 2 or 3 years later. It is now like 7 years later, and still no American quantum communications satellite. Maybe it is a secret? Or maybe they just don't have one. What do we know about the Chinese quantum communications satellite? It's there, but how does it work, then that is classified. It is amazing. In the old days, we would never get any news of this. Nowadays, they tell us what they are doing, without telling us what they are doing. Or more precisely, how they are doing it. That is still classified.
This quantum-classical fusion, very intriguing.