Ahh, I disagree, truth in the human sense is not universal not does it not change. let me give you an example. if I make a statement "Girl A is the prettiest" right now, and it is true, it does not mean that this statement is true before or after; or by an other measure of beauty.Morality is intrinsic, so:
1) moral values are universal
2) moral value do not change
Truth is also intrinsic, so:
1) truth are universal
2) truth do not change
Let's see how we approach truth, we used to approach truth by conducting rituals, by using drugs and by sacrificing animals. Religion come along and we approach truth by referencing a book. Then there is this more recent invention called science, which is current mainstream method of approaching truth. Mostly, it is done by observation and experiment. The method we used to apprach truth changed over time. Our view on truth change over time. But does truth change over time? does theory of relativity not hold in ancient times? we disagree over truth, we fought each other over them, we debated each; nowaday we mostly just ignore each other and "entitled to an opinion", but are truth relative? so because I disagree with Einstein about time dialation and I am "entitled to an opinion", does time dialation disappear for me?
So, just because the humans changes over time doesn't mean truth changes over time. Just because humans disagree about what is true doesn't mean truth is relative.
Apply the same thing to morality and you're done.
Science is not truth, there is a reason why it is called the "theory of relativity" not the "natural law of relativity" no one have ever proven it; and for good reason. Because, science on it's basic blocks is by definition. prove to me 1+1=2; does one square + one square = 2 square or 1 square (stacked on top) or one rectangle? when you add 2 pitcher of water together do you get a bucket of water? Truth also change over time; to the perspective of the historian and more so to the victor of war - American Separatist Rebels to the British Empire; or; Founding Fathers of the United States of America? Any truth we have today in science is contingent on empirical science, empirical science is not truth.
I also do not see how your argument follows, do you equate truth to morality? if so, you have not build any case but only reasoned.
science is inherently different than philosophy, Science, is a theory, philosophy is a reasoning. you can disprove a theory; and you can dissuade against reasonings. There is a reason why you don't use the word disprove for philosophy, but trustworthy. well, something that is not trustworthy does not mean that it is wrong, but something disproved is wrong; see the difference?Philosophy in its nature cannot be proven. Science in its nature cannot be proven. Science, however, can be dis-proven. So can Philosophy.
Learn all about what constitute true science and
Learn how to discern whether a philosophy is trustworthy
simple philosophy is that, life requires resources to sustain; which you will agree. to gather resources to sustain life would result in degradation of the environmental - you take resources from the environment; AKA Degrade. So by simple logic, No life = no degradation of the environment by life; having life WILL result in degradation of the environment; so in helping life, you are helping to degrade the environment. It does not matter; what you choose to do with already made wealth or not; hence the moral contradiction. You can argue all day about how much is significant; but again in abstract, does it matter? losing a drop of water and losing an ocean of water; in effect is still losing water by definition.No, by sharing some of my wealth with an african child, I do no significant harm to the environment. I was talking about current, already made wealth. I do not mention at all how I'm going to help developing the economy of african countries or if economical development necessarily leads to environmental degradation.
I can argue that you are in denial, we have significant moral dilemmas in our everyday life, Do we buy technology - computers, cellphones - so we can be competitive in the job market and earn a living to feed us and our family KNOWINGLY that the rare earth metal used in the chips, batteries is funding genocides in third world countries that produced it? Do you feed your children genetically modified food not knowing their long term effect on them; or do you take motor transport, knowing fully well that the mercury in the catalytic converter to reduce pollution is known to be at a high enough concentration to poison plants, animals near roads?What I presented are no moral dilemma at all. It's very clear cut what is the moral thing to do. There are true moral dilemmas, but chance are very slim that you and me is going to encouter them very often. our common every day moral problem is overwhelmingly with not following moral intuitions, not with having conflicting intuitions. Our moral intuition is not perfect, to find out what is the right thing to do sometime is not always straight-forward, but that's not the bottleneck here, the bottleneck is in doing the right thing.
You must mistaken me to be a religious person. Where did I take morality out of which book? I advocate intuitive morality, the morality that your conscience whispers to you. You don't need any book to do that. About philosophy of morality, I did read books, but I don't take them to be gospel. I read their rationale, eviluate them and accept some of them. I do not need to reference any book to produce a critism on moral relativism, like I said, the reasons are obvious and easy to work through.
I suggest not leave too much morality to your thought, it was filled with pesudo-reasoning that your education filled you with in order to justfy the society you live in. If you want to rely on education, rely on logic and rational reasoning, then you would be able to see the breaks yourself.
If you're not interested in philosophy, like I said, you only need to rely on your moral intuition to be moral. It's not as simple as you think, you need to be humble and shake off the attitude that "I know the best", it's difficult for modern people and it requires practice.
There is no right or wrong? So, there is not one time in your life you felt shame? how about guilty? how about anger? Look at the figures you admire, do you admire them just because they are successful? Hitler is pretty successful too considering where he started. Re-read the stories you tresure, you love them because they show you a brighter world? a darker world? or a world that has justice? Sorry, I don't buy "all of that is in the perspective". If I'm perceiving, there is something that I perceive, my perception doesn't create the thing I perceive.
I think, if you want to rely on your moral intuition, you should keep yourself oblivious to the things that your actions will lead. If you don't know about it, you can't be wrong about it right?
The fact is, you have already taken a perspective that morality is intuitive; and you are relying on wiki quite a bit, why don't you give convincing arguments; does it matter if the child you help in Africa is not significantly damaging the environment? the only fact is that he is degrading the environment, and he is doing it with your help which makes your responsible. Significant or not, is a perspective; and as you are presenting your case, and me mine, is a perspective of our own.