I know, but you should know can't make promise...like, the QBU10 last year was a surprise as well.
Could one of you fine gentlemen translate this caption? Thank you.
The wording in chinese is a bit weird.
"The PLA has started using Type 05 strategic assault rifle for training".
战略 means "strategic". I think they meant "战术" which means "tactical" which would make much more sense as in:
"The PLA has started using Type 05 tactical assault rifle for training".
Unless I am mistaken what this new Type 05 assault rifle fires... maybe it fires nuke grenades then naming it "strategic" assault rifle wouldn't be out of place.
Someone explained at the tiexue board why it is called "strategic assault rifle":
"顾名思义, 战略步枪是射程为10000KM以上,子弹为100万吨以上TNT当量的核子弹。" =
"As the name suggested , strategic assault rifle has an effective firing range of more than 10000 km, with 1 megaton TNT equivalent nuclear warhead as bullets."
I guess that's why they need the fancy scope because they are aiming across the pacific ocean to fire their nuke bullets!
BTW, there seems to be no Labour Day open house event this year, because the local scene is heating up once again and we're very likely looking at the 2nd wave of insurgency kicks off as early as Labour Day, or as late as July 1st (but should the deliberation goes, according to schedule, on June 16th, it could happen at that time too).
In short, the PLA HK Garrison is on combat alert as of now. That said, no chance to see OICW in the coming future, I afraid.
But equally unlikely that we see the OICW gets deployed either, should things goes hot in the next 3 months.
The optic must be streaming video to his helmet mounted display. This shows one of the reasons why weapon programs like this one are and have been established. Urban combat.