2025 USA GDP collapse by 90% and population dieoff by 80% , split into five parts and not one less. Yosemite blows
2035 China solves and scales up nuclear fusion and fast breeders , salt , etc
2050 China solves AGI and Quantum AI and coupled with unlimited energy, creates abundance and wealth for all Chinese, a universal basic services, no one has to work and a safety net for all... abundance everywhere, EROEI back above 100 again, climate reversing back to normal
2099 China becomes Type I civilization, sends mission to settle another world
2035 China solves and scales up nuclear fusion and fast breeders , salt , etc
2050 China solves AGI and Quantum AI and coupled with unlimited energy, creates abundance and wealth for all Chinese, a universal basic services, no one has to work and a safety net for all... abundance everywhere, EROEI back above 100 again, climate reversing back to normal
2099 China becomes Type I civilization, sends mission to settle another world
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