...His successor Nagayoshi Matsudaira, who rejected the Tokyo war crimes tribunal's verdicts, enshrined the Class A war criminals in a secret ceremony in 1978.
, who visited the shrine as recently as 1975, was privately displeased with the action, and subsequently refused to visit the shrine.
The details of the enshrinement of war criminals eventually became public in 1979, but there was minimal controversy about the issue for several years.
has visited Yasukuni since 1975, but the Emperor and Empress continue to attend the
annually. Yasukuni Shrine's museum and web site have made statements criticizing the United States for "
" Japan to
the United States in order to justify
, as well as claiming that Japan went to war with the intention of creating a "
" for all Asians.
Critics allege that this rhetoric invokes the same arguments as propaganda created by the wartime regime.