Power Armor?


Tyrant King
That last image I think qualifies as a meme. I mean okay I have this big heavy shield… and a belt fed weapon so ah… how do I pull the charging handle or reload… and ah aim? Because riot?

Comrade exosoldier over there doesn't need to reload when he has over 100 bullets.
That’s a 200 round box on Comrade’s Minimi.
Comrade Exosoldier better hope they are all lined up just in front of his barrel. Take a second look at Comrade’s wrist then the weapon. That weapon comes in empty at 17 pounds. Add in a standard ammo load it’s pushing 20 pounds. Now notice his wrist his forearm? The upper body of the exoskeleton ends at the elbow so the 20 pounds is going on the wrist and maybe the sling but that’s basically restrictive on how he can move with it. He can’t support as his other hand is behind the shield. Even if the shield was shoulder mounted it would be awkward as hell to control the two keeping the shield in place and out of the stream of lead well keeping the weapon stabilized. Then aiming is out anyway as the riot visor is fine for keeping debris out of the face but not so much at looking down sights…
Basically he needs robot arms and some kind of AI control for them that knows what he needs before he does.