I don't see it. Not in the sense that I think you're meaning. A armored platform worn as a suit or armor may be cool for comic books, SciFi writers and manga but its not practical for reality.
as stated the first problem is protection, the more armor the heavier and that leads to mobility, then comes power.
General infantry of the future need to be able to operate in any number of environment types. Jungle, desert, arctic, urban, suburban mountainous sometimes even amphibious. They need to be able to move though these areas use the terrain to there advantage. Each terrain type has its own unique challenges. In Jungle its moisture, close quarters and uneven topography, in Desert its open, sparse, with sand, and either extreme heat or harsh cold.. In arctic its low traction, harsh winds, variable cover and cold. In urban its close to open Quarters, multi leveled with sewers below and roof tops above. You have lots of cover and lots of choke points, in suburban ranges open up its multi leveled with breaks in of alternative terrain types. In mountainous you have range open range broke by occasional caves and crevasses low atmospheric pressure, hard rock and unpredictable routes of not just walking but climbing, sometimes rapid changes in climate. In amphibious you have corrosive salt water, rapid changes from ground to pier to water, possibilities being submerged as well as swimming.
They need protection but lets be realistic about this. Tank guns are out. Your not going to be defended from anything like a 125mm or 105 mm or even a WW2 era German 88mm the weight and size of the armor needed would demand something right out of Japanese Manga. Modern technology has come a long way but we just can't do it realistically. It would be to big for urban fights to heavy for easy transportation and to power hungry.
even IFV rounds are beyond reality. so we end up at small arms. And still issues the protection needed to stop a 12.7mm BMG would again make it to heavy for urban mobility and to light to live long in open battle. One might be able to build a armored suit against it but it would be heavy, limiting its ability to be employed in some terrain types it would be power hungry to meaning it might only be able to be operated for a short period. As the power supply and stress placed on the wearer is factored in Additionally protection is always going to be uneven, the human body moves in certain ways and that means there have to be openings where the armor is not going to be. Some of these are going to be even susceptible to pistol rounds.
as we move down we hit 7.62 but at this point something happens, its less a new platform and more a evolution. Its already in the works. Powered exoskeletons like Raytheon's Sarcos, Revision technologies Prowler , Lockheed martin's HULC these external powered exoskeletons meant to be mated to body armor and equipment that offer protection against .30 caliber class threats. The armor used to defeat such being developed as helmets like the ECH and upgraded plate ballistic armor with non-Newtonian materials to dissipate some of the kinetic energy.
is the protection even? Not yet, but then it could never really be. Movement demands openings and up armoring a whole human for extended combat is still limited.
here is my final thoughts. In the 7.62mm protection level your powered armor is almost ready. Before the decade is out expect it to hit the battlefield. Not a all in one but in two parts as enhanced body armor is mated to a augmentation harness worn by soldiers.
the 12.7mm class... I suspect there maybe attempts, and limited success but I more fear it as the impracticality but the limited feasibility may push it to become accepted by the people we really do not want to have it. A kind of walking kill dozer, imagine the first Ironman suit from the movie. Powered by a small car's engine operational for a few hours loaded up with PKs RPGs maybe a chain saw and explosives. Imagine it used as the next generation of terrorists attack a armored suicide rampage built in some garage from junk by someone with a simple robotics engineering degree a chip on his shoulder and a oath to Jihad. Released in a highly populated area piloted by a suicidal maniac told that his act would grant him a place in paradise with 70 virgins.