I took four frames from the video of the Naval Strike Missile hit on the former USS Ogden.
In the first, on the side of the vessel, a little forward of amidships, you can see the missile entering the side of the vessel:
In he second, you see the explosion from the missile starting at the point of entry, and beginning to propogate elsewhere.
In the third, you see a jet of fire shooting out of the hanger door, well aft of the strike point.
And finally, in the fourth, you can see the smoke rising from the vessel from the bridge area back to the landing deck.
Now, I do not know if condition Zebra existed on the ship. Depends on what they wanted to do. Actually test it, or sink it as rapidly as possible.
However, from the looks of that hit, and the location, I do not believe that hit alone sank the Ogden in the least. I imagine a lot more "exercising" went into putting her down.