The "except" part isn't exactly all that easy, especially a higher density in a smaller volume. I'm not saying it can't be done by current Chinese technology, merely that a submarine reactor may be a more expedient carrier solution until the larger naval reactor is finished developing if the PLAN wants one sooner. As nobody on this forum knows the present state of PLAN naval reactor technology or its timetable regarding nuclearized carriers (if there is even to be one), there is nothing to suggest this isn't an available option.
Well did you read it.The next paragraph explain in plain language how to achieve those exception from civilian reactor
using highly enriched uranium which is easy to achieve It just degree of enrichment ,
We might not know that activity of military nuclear program but once a while they did release snippet of the progress
Like the 3rd generation of natural circulation reactor
You can also inferred it from their civilian nuclear program. Right now China is the center of gravity in nuclear program.
They have planned to built 30 nuclear reactor. They have license the most advanced nuclear reactor design. They have 3 or 4 design of their own development of socalled 4th generation nuclear reactor
In fact Bill gates sources the research of their environment friendly reactor to Chinese firm
China is self sufficient in nuclear reactor component They built everything themselves using their own material. Nuclear industry is well developed in China starting from the military program 60 years ago
The very origin of Chinese nuclear program is building reactor for submarine by themselves the Russian refused to help them
There is large ecosystem of private company that built nuclear component after decades of working with the who is who in nuclear industry, Framatome now AREVA, Westinghouse, AECL, GE and Russian company