Re: The PICs every PLAN enthusiast is waiting for
Training requires crew to handle live equipment. That's why they installed the CIWS and sensors. It can also come useful should the carrier be called to emergency situations. It will be a carrier, but it will mainly be a training one. A refitted Varyag can hardly compete with other contemporary carriers, thus its only effective role is to train crew and perhaps doing some close proximity patrolling.
A crisis like Libya will not require the deployment of full escorts and defenses.
I'm saying that Type 052Cs and Type 054As won't be completely devoted to the Varyag at all. We only have six Type 052Cs planned and twelve Type 054As planned. Do you really think they would sacrifice their newest ships just for the sake of escorting an outdated carrier that will not even see any major action?
Varyag is a "starter kit" of sort for PLAN into the carrier ops, the cradle for all future core elements of their carrier ops personnel, not so much for actual missions, though low intensity ops like those off the coast of Somalia or disaster relief would naturally served as ideal "training lessons".
You can't have a carrier on call for crisis if you only got just one, no doubt China is making preparations for a future that'd allow them to enjoy such luxury - 3 carriers at least, including the Varyag - but in order to have that much of a manpower base to operate such a fleet that's where the Varyag will be.
And even just a "training ship", the training will definitely involve full range of carrier strike group activities, very likely including the carrier serves as the command ship as well (not everybody can be like the USN to have dedicated ship for that task), they might just as well have a fully operational carrier for that.
In short, during the Varyag's future career, if she's not in the maintenance cycle, she'd undoubtedly spend 80% or more of her time as an all-aspect training platform, the rest will be filled for other events - diplomatic missions, humanitarian missions...what about go to war? Not likely but I'd still leave a 1% for it just in case.
For the 052C and 054As, their purpose of course not just to served the escort elements of the carrier group, more so to replace the obsolete elements within the fleet, or other "experimental models" that came before them, all in all these 2 are and will be the standard models for the fleet in the foreseeable future. It'd definitely help to standardize the logistics and simplify the training regimen.