Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread
I'm having a bit of a chuckle at some here who think a big maritime patrol plane can do the job of shipboard helicopters for ASW. Both have their vitrues, but neither is the replacement for the other.
Big maritime patrol planes can patrol large areas of ocean identifying potential enemy subs, but it cannot be everywhere at once. Nor can it sit right on an enemy sub and drop torpedos on this sub while a partner helo pings it with a dipping sonar. The patrol plane cannot necessarily be on the spot if a datum emerges inside a group of ships.
Helos by comparison can be brought along with a surface force, and used properly make it very hard for an enemy sub to penetrate a surface force. A pair of helos equipped with dipping sonars are the most dangerous thing a submarine can face. Most often, in exercises at least, if the helo crews know their craft the sub cannot escape. The helos can take turns dipping their sonars, pinging the sub, while the other helo tries to get closer to deploy it's own sonar. Two helos can leapfrog an enemy sub until one is practically on top hammering it with it's sonar while it's partner launches it's torpedos nearby. No maritime patrol aircraft can tie a sub down so effectively. No maritime patrol aircraft has the availability as ASW helos operating with a surface force.