PLAN Carrier Strike Group and Airwing


Senior Member
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

but experience in what technological age?

The testing was done on a Midway class carrier back in the late 40's with a 120 plane complement; although tech has changed tremendously since then air traffic volume of that size would still be a significant problem to deal with.


Senior Member
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

but experience in what technological age?

The testing was done on a Midway class carrier back in the late 40's with a 120 plane complement; although tech has changed tremendously since then air traffic volume of that size would still be a significant problem to deal with.


Senior Member
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

but experience in what technological age?

The testing was done on a Midway class carrier back in the late 40's with a 120 plane complement; although tech has changed tremendously since then air traffic volume of that size would still be a significant problem to deal with.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

This is obviously drawn with a Royal Navy fit, but what about micro-carriers as escorts for the main carrier? 3-5 helicopters, 10,000 tons and full AAD capability.



Senior Member
VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

This is obviously drawn with a Royal Navy fit, but what about micro-carriers as escorts for the main carrier? 3-5 helicopters, 10,000 tons and full AAD capability.



Senior Member
VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

This is obviously drawn with a Royal Navy fit, but what about micro-carriers as escorts for the main carrier? 3-5 helicopters, 10,000 tons and full AAD capability.



Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

... but what about micro-carriers as escorts for the main carrier? 3-5 helicopters, 10,000 tons and full AAD capability.

I don't like those things, a bit of everything and nothing completely.
I also sometines think of mini CVs, but only with point defence capability and reliance on AAW escorts. Those mini carriers could then improve the situational awareness footprint of a SAG or perhaps even CSG. A few helos for improved ASW, or small, perhaps VTOL / tilt rotor UAVs with EO / RDR sensors to extant the picture beyond the visible horizon.


Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

... but what about micro-carriers as escorts for the main carrier? 3-5 helicopters, 10,000 tons and full AAD capability.

I don't like those things, a bit of everything and nothing completely.
I also sometines think of mini CVs, but only with point defence capability and reliance on AAW escorts. Those mini carriers could then improve the situational awareness footprint of a SAG or perhaps even CSG. A few helos for improved ASW, or small, perhaps VTOL / tilt rotor UAVs with EO / RDR sensors to extant the picture beyond the visible horizon.