Re: AWACS for future chinese carrier
An airship based AEW platform could be based aboard an auxilliary, eg a replenishment vessel with helo facilities provided the flight deck was large enough, as such it could keep within reach of the CVSG. Most airships around today have enough speed to patrol ahead of any warship but transit time to it's patrol area is far from ideal. It wouldn't have to keep pace with the fighters as they go ahead to investigate contacts and the airship would necessarily hang back out of harms way. American E-2s likewise stay out of harms way as much as possible , hence the need for long range radars. If an enemy aircraft gets within missile firing range of an AEW platform then something has gone seriously wrong somewhere, as it should be able to vector it's own fighters on to the threat long before it is in danger itself.
Having said that, I believe a ship based aircraft solution to AEW is best, and as a first step an exsisting aircraft design should be adapted, ie a twin turboprop preferrably with a degree of STOL performance. It doesn't have to be large, or even comparable in size to the Hawkeye necessarily, as it would be a first step to provide a degree of AEW cover to the fleet (which will always be better than no cover at all). A light STOL turboprop aircraft which could operate from a STOBAR carrier like Varyag without catapult assitance to launch (taking off from the angled deck, as propeller aircraft aren't usually considered suitable for ski jump launches) would be my first choice for this problem, which could then lead to something more substantial later on.