Re: Ideal PLAN carrier escorts?
I forgot to add the 051B to the SSF. Now I did.
Anyway, I notice that the PLAN seldom relocates their ships from fleet to fleet if ever. If they do, the pennant number changes to reflect that change. I suspect that the number 114 for example, was reserved should the 167 Shenzhen be relocated back to the NSF to join its 051C siblings. The ship is still with the SSF though, sporting the 167 number.
I suspect that the SSF or South Seas Fleet is being remodeled into a blue seas fleet or CBVG component. It is the fleet I think the first operational Chinese carrier would go to. Not only do you have a number of ports big enough, but it also represents a vital economic region with Hong Kong and trade coming from Europe, the Middle East and Africa. This location would enable the CBVG to respond to a blockade threat in the Malaccas strait to protect Chinese oil supplies coming from the Middle East.
I don't think the Sovs would make a healthy addition to a future Chinese CBVG. I think it represents the old Soviet doctrine and represents more of a sea denial philosophy rather than a fleet protection or power projection philosophy. The 051C has issues as AD ships. Although capable, their field of view of engagement is limited and so is the number of targets they can handle. They need protection for themselves as much as they can protect other ships.
In which case I think what the PLAN is planning now---putting all the best potential CBVG support ships in the SSF---is right. This includes the 052C AD destroyers, the 052B multirole DDGs, and the 054A frigates. And if the 052D comes out, its likely to fall into this fleet too, as well as more future 054A and 054B. The 051B 167 Shenzhen can be turned into an ASW vessel, its a unique vessel in the PLAN to have two ASW helos on board. Also a number of nuclear submarines including the improved 091 Han and the 093 Shang class is already in the area. The shiny new 071 LPD, now 998, has gone to the SSF, clearly a sign that the SSF is intended as blue sea power projection fleet. I have not checked where the modern replenishment ships went but I bet they went to the SSF too.
I've rechecked the replenishment ships, and the biggest and most modern, pennant 885, 887 and 888 are all located in the SSF too.