Are there images of the two 055 under construction?From what we do know and able to observe so far:
For Jiangnan, there is 1x 003 CV fitting out, 1x 055 DDG under construction, 1x 052D DDG undergoing sea trials and 1x 052D DDG under construction.
For Dalian, there is 1x 055 DDG under construction, 3x 052D DDGs fitting out and 2x 052D DDGs under construction.
For Hudong-Zhonghua, there is 1x 075 LHD fitting out and 1x 054B FFG fitting out, with a suspected 1x 076 LHD under construction at the new site. No new 054B and 054A FFGs (for the PLAN) is seen under construction.
For Huangpu-Wenchong, there is 1x 054B FFG fitting out. No new 054B and 054A FFGs (for the PLAN) is seen under construction.
For now, sure - It does seem like a lull in surface ship construction for the 14FYP (2021-2025), especially when compared to the 13FYP (2016-2020).
However, the underwater fleet construction at Wuchang, Jiangnan and especially Huludao should be refreshing to see.
And, hopefully, the shipbuilding pace can pick up once again for the 16FYP (2026-2030)...
Only thing I can see on Google earth is something that might be a 055, in the shed west of the basin, which seems to have a somewhat wider beam than a 052. So that might be it.
I see nothing at Dalian that might resemble a 055, though granted, imagery is fairly old.
As for the 052D at Jiangnan, there was that one very blurry image of something pointy sticking out of the contruction halls north of the basin. So it might be a bow of a warship. Though again, that's far from conclusive evidence.
For the 076 i've see no imagery, only rumors.
So, best case scenario is there are 1-2 055 destroyers, maybe one 076 and 3 052D to be launched. With two of those being almost ready to launch. So if they do get launched before the end of the year, then 2024 might see launch of 1-2 055 and 1 052D. I would imagine 076, if it is building, is not so far along and its launch is expected in 2025 or so?
And that's pretty much it. Though a few more 054B, being simpler ships, might simply appear under construction out of nowhere during 2024 and get launched sometime in 2025.