PLAN Anti-ship/surface missiles


Registered Member
Not sure I understand this part since if the weaker radar (I assume you mean the baseline 346?) eventually loses track of the tail of the outbound SAM, why would it still be able to track the nose of the inbound ASCM? Not to mention the tail of a missile is flat and wound seem to present a much higher RCS than the nose of a missile which is sloped and would naturally present a much smaller RCS.

It is what it is. The ashm won't be engaged until it can be tracked precisely at the proper ranges, which is likely to be shorter than before the radar loses track of its own missile.

The scenario is for dealing with waves of bombers at altitude in range.

I would think unless the ashm is flying high, the ashm would be flying low below the radar horizon and won't be engaged unless it pops up over the horizon and by then it's more about reaction time.