PLAN Anti-Piracy Deployments


Junior Member
Learning by Doing: PLAN Operational Innovations in the Gulf of Aden

Publication: China Brief Volume: 13 Issue: 21October 24, 2013 11:43 AM Age: 13 hrs
By: Andrew S. Erickson, Austin Strange

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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Actually now piracy is kicking off the West coast of Africa, UN and African nations have met over this issues and it's become more than Gulf of Aden

Can you believe there was almost 1000 such attacks off the coast of Guinea, organised gangs have moved from Somalia to West coast

UN is on the case and it's a another great opportunity for China to show its role in the international naval affairs and establish a second Chinese flotilla to sent to this region, that's East and West Africa and greater challenge because it's further away and also requires more assets

With two extra replenishment tankers they could manage another 3 warships, but main thing is they shouldn't stop Gulf of Aden otherwise it will kick off thier again too it's simultaneously operations on both coast not one or the other

Jeff Head

Registered Member
For those following the piracy conditions off the Horn of Africa, here's some good news, and an interesting read:

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Foreign Policy said:
As the Somali piracy blockbuster Captain Phillips raked in $26 million in its opening weekend on U.S. screens, Mohamed Abdi Hassan, better known as "Afweyne," was on a flight to Belgium with gainful plans to sell a very different story about East African marauders. Expecting to consult on a movie based on his life as a seafaring bandit, Afweyne and his associate were instead arrested by Belgian police and charged with the crimes of piracy and hostage taking. The two men had fallen for a hard-to-believe, reverse-Argo ruse -- a months-long sting operation set in motion to catch the mastermind behind the 2009 hijacking and ransom of the Belgian-owned dredging vessel Pompei.

While some 1,000 Somali pirate foot soldiers have been jailed in over a dozen countries, Afweyne --whose sobriquet means "big mouth" or "crybaby" -- will be the first pirate leader to be prosecuted by the international community when his criminal trial opens in Belgium.

Though his hopes of being immortalized on the big screen have been dashed, Afweyne, more than any other pirate, is responsible for making Somali piracy into an organized, multi-million-dollar industry. According to a recent World Bank report, Somali piracy raked in an estimated $339 million to $413 million in ransom spoils between 2005 and 2013. Like many of his comrades, Afweyne asserts that he not a "kidnapper," but the leader of a "legitimate self-defense movement" dedicated to protecting Somalia's marine resources. While some of Somalia's first pirates operating from the autonomous region of Puntland could claim -- for a time -- to be "coastguards" levying a taxes on illegal foreign fishing, Afweyne was not one of them. Rather, he was shrewd businessman who sought to replicate Puntland's cottage pirate industry on a commercial scale, based out of his native Harardhere in central Somalia.

Beginning in 2003, the former civil servant was plying investors with a self-described "very good business idea" and headhunting veteran pirates from Puntland to train his own "Somali Marines." The result was the birth of modern Somali piracy: organized bands of skiffs and supporting motherships hunting hundreds of miles from shore for commercial vessels that would deliver multi-million-dollar ransoms.

The boom years were good for Afweyne. The U.N. Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea has linked the Somali kingpin to at least seven hijackings in 2009 alone, while secondary reports tie him to dozens of others, including those of the supertanker Sirius Star and the Russian tank-laden MV Faina in 2008. Afweyne even had something of a cult following and was revered as a national hero by the late Colonel Muammar al-Qaddafi, who invited him to a four-day celebration in Libya in 2009.

Like any good crime boss, Afweyne sought to diversify his investments while minimizing his personal risk. Given its popularity among pirates, trade in the leafy drug khat was a natural outgrowth of the flagship enterprise. Cash from Afweyne's ransom spoils, according to a 2011 U.N. report, was poured into khat procurement in Kenya. The produce was then flown back to Harardhere and sold up and down the Somali coast, with pirates willing to pay three times the street price. By 2010, Afweyne had handed the reins of piracy operations over to his son Abdiqaadir, enabling him to focus full-time on managing a business empire that stretched from Dubai to India.

Of course, it wasn't all smooth sailing. One business risk that required mitigation was the Islamist militia al-Shabab, which was encroaching on the pirate heartlands of Harardhere and Hobyo by 2010. Al-Shabab had initially vowed to shut down the un-Islamic crime of piracy, but the group's ideological purity quickly gave way to financial pragmatism. In 2010, Afweyne and his commanders reportedly became the first pirate operation to enter into a formal agreement with the Islamists -- pledging to fork over a $100,000 tax per hijacking ransom in exchange for non-interference. Afweyne himself admitted in an interview that al-Shabab were receiving 5 percent of his ransom spoils as a security fee. "There is no political relationship, only one based on money," he told the Spanish daily newspaper ABC. Afweyne has since denied that his gang was ever involved with the al Qaeda-affiliated militia, but the relationship was ongoing as of April 2012, according to statements made by his son.

That was also the year that improved security measures started to really cut into Afweyne's bottom line. While hijacked ships continued to bring in multi-million-dollar ransoms, it was becoming harder and harder to catch them -- and a lot more dangerous to try. In 2010, there were 49 successful hijackings off the coast of Somalia. In 2011, there were 28; by 2012, that number had fallen to 14. Not only were more and more ships carrying armed guards, EU and U.S. coalition naval forces had adopted more vigorous rules of engagement, arresting suspected pirates and destroying their vessels at an increased rate. It was likely with this cost-benefit calculation in mind that Afweyne publicly denounced the piracy business and proclaimed his retirement in January 2013.

A very interesting read. Use the link above to read the rest of the lengthy story.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Great movie loved it, they show USS Boxer, USS Bainbridge and USS Hallyburton

Climax tense and gripping thriller Tom Hanks at his best! Loved the Naval bit although I didn't get the part where paratroopers were dropped into the sea and how they end up on the boat!
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For those following the piracy conditions off the Horn of Africa, here's some good news, and an interesting read:

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A very interesting read. Use the link above to read the rest of the lengthy story.

I think this guy deserves a 'Captain Afweyne' movie, he's like a Somali real life 'Breaking Bad'.


Great movie loved it, they show USS Boxer, USS Bainbridge and USS Hallyburton

Climax tense and gripping thriller Tom Hanks at his best! Loved the Naval bit although I didn't get the part where paratroopers were dropped into the sea and how they end up on the boat!

Haven't watched it yet (figuring only the last bit, that sync-head shots would interest me, and already got a taste of that in MoH: Warfighter) but my mom said it's a better movie then "Gravity"...hmmm....

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Watched Gravity top movie but I would rank captain Philips above it, Tom Hanks was just amazing although I really like Clonney too

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
No Substitute for Experience - Chinese Antipiracy Operations in the Gulf of Aden:
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Wow what a great link just had a quick look at the tables of analysis of the ships that have been out on deployments and they match the table I posted in the thread I started in PLAN deployments!

Very nice and accurate peice of work which tells even which ports have been visited and how many times, even has the dates and the nature of the visit for example port call friendly visit replenishment etc etc

Also there's lots of tables with the number of ships in each and frequency of thier escorts, plenty of very useful information in this PDF and a good peice of work this is very very informative best analysis I have seen by far!