Battle group concept, showing 052 for anti-submarine role and 167 as a command ship. I wonder if that's what the recent refit with 167 may be about?
For normal ops, I believe ttheir CSG will probably be two Type 052Ds (or one D and one C), two Type 054A FFGs, and a Type 093 (5) SSN with the carrier.Battle group concept, showing 052 for anti-submarine role and 167 as a command ship. I wonder if that's what the recent refit with 167 may be about?
Jeez...talk is cheap.
By 'second' do you mean first fully indigenous carrier since Chinese media often report the Liaoning as being the 'first' Chinese-built carrier even if it was not built from the hull up.
Regarding Henri K, I'm not sure who exactly he is (I think he's french?) but he seems to have made quite a few predictions regarding PLAN matters, although I don't follow him enough to know how accurate he is -- I'm not even sure which forum he actually frequents, but I believe he made a post regarding 055's specs quite early on that was cited in the 055 thread. I think he also maintains a youtube channel with a variety of CCTV and chinese language clips on PLA matters.
Edit: he seems to post quite a lot on this french maritime/naval forum .
The post sinosoldier references specifically is here:
who is henri k and why is he reliable?
I expect JN's CV to be substantially smaller than Ford or Nimitz class; maybe forrestal size more like. I imagine that will cut off some of the time from the Ford derived timetable.
Then again this will be JN's first carrier and if it's CATOBAR it will likely have substantial differences from 001A and even more from 001, so who knows. Then there's the question of whether they will be using IEPS and EMALS on 002 which will further influence the time projected...
I wonder what DL will be doing after it launches 001A; will they build another copy of 002 while JN is half way through their construction of 002, or will they wait it out...