I'm not sure who in the original debate would have argued that a third carrier would be in service by 2020, because I definitely would not have taken up the wager if those were the terms.
The roots of the wager was in Jeff's 2015 update thread.
If we go through that thread, I think the original discussion about how many carriers the Navy would have in coming years was started by one of your posts:
Then you later clarified your position in an initial wager format:
The point which was under contention, and the reason for the wager -- directly quoted from you -- was: "I may still be correct that they
won't have more than a pair of carriers at sea within a decade and I may still be correct about the priority/pace of their carrier program."
Of course I then immediately replied and laid out my position which can be read in full:
Then you later succinctly summed up your position later: "What I am predicting is no more than 2 carriers in the water by 2025."
... and that is how we reached the terms of construction which Jeff proposed, here (which you accepted):
So overall I can't see how you could argue the wager was "generous" towards the more carriers side, because I don't think many if any people in that original thread argued that we'd have three carriers in service by 2020, and from what I can see you never mentioned three carriers in service by 2020 either, and your position was that they'd only have two carriers "at sea" or "in the water" by 2025.
just for lulz, I'd like to bring up my own prediction from that thread:
"My personal belief: I don't think we'll get evidence of 002 within 2015, however I do think
we'll get evidence of 001A within 2015, and significantly clearer evidence by the end of 2016 at the latest (given the modules at DL's drydock probably won't look like a carrier hull for a while). We'll probably get
first evidence of 002 a few years after 2015, maybe 2017 at the earliest. I'd expect three carriers commissioned by 2030 (or at least two commissioned and the third on the cusp of commissioning) and with evidence of a second hull from DL and a second hull from JN as well, assuming there are no substantial changes to the economic climate."
And it turns out we did get evidence of 001A in 2015 (in mid to late April, to be precise, when we first had pics of the carrier modules in drydock at DL), and we had confirmation evidence of it being 001A in early 2016 when it was obvious it was a carrier -- earlier than my own prediction.
As for 002, obviously we're still over a year away from the projected earliest sighting of evidence of 002, and probably two or three years away from confirmation evidence of 002.