Yes, and we should be eternally grateful to Indian leadership for f*cking itself before and during those crucial years of growth, allowing China to cement undisputed status as the world's factory, instead of fighting with India for manufacturing, exports and investment. In fact, India is kind enough to continue f*cking itself to this day and shows zero signs of stopping. Which is why there is no need for China to do anymore than what it is already doing to 'contain' India. This is nothing like the US - China situation in the late 90s to early 00s, where the champion failed to stop and by in large facilitated the ascension of a hungry challenger. Here, India is the one stopping itself.These are great points.
And let's also not forget that the huge east wind that aided China's ascent as an industrial power house, which was the fastest and largest ever in human history, was the US centric globalization which ended 10 years after the Great Financial Crisis.
The world is evolving from globalization of economies to regionalization with China, US, and EU centric trade blocks.
And India is not a part in any one of the three, while its economy and market is too small to be a pole by itself.