Tyrant King
In the Modern era the Sub gun has lost its place. It’s mostly seen as a relic of r the Second World War when cheap SMGs were issued like Beer at Octoberfest. Then by then the 1960s they lost position as the Assault rifle rose leaving SMGs as Specialized to PDW, CQB and super sneaky commandos guns with suppressors. The 1970s the CAR15 Commando, AKS74U eat into the PDW class then degrees increasingly in the CQB class but suppressor tech doesn’t catch up until the 1990s at least in the West (I’ll come back to that later). Today these Short barreled Assault rifles really make 90% of the function of a SMG obsolete.Imo as smgs nowadays are more of a niche specialist weapon maybe investing into a piston or some kind of delayed blowback might be worth it for the few units operating them
This said they do have a position that Assault rifles and even most Bespoke PDW weapons like P90 and MP7 don’t quite fill. If you need a weapon as compact as possible.
If we look at the image posted by @by78 , we see 4 SMG variants. Three the top one and bottom toe are optimized for compactness. The top one is a full sized with a wire stock.The new small arms family. Note that this is a high-resolution version of a previously shared image.
Second from the bottom is a full size with a folding stock and the bottom is configured as a short barrel with no stock.
These weapons will be significantly smaller than a QBZ192 shortened carbine. Even the One with a fixed stock and full barrel will be a
Few inches shorter in length than the QBZ192 short barrel.
What does that buy a user? The stock less short barrel if it’s about the same size as an MP5K will fit in a Pilot’s ejection seat
The Folding and Wire stock versions would be easier to stow and use in the fighting compartment of an armored vehicle like say A tank, especially when you consider that the Chinese tanks will have a smaller compartment vs western ones. Making it a better choice for a bail out gun.
As to the full length with the fixed stock. Well remember i said I would come back to Suppressor technology? Yeah here we are. The Chinese seem to have a solid grasp of Pistol caliber suppressors. But we haven’t seen much in the way of Rifles in 5.8mm with suppressors. They seem to have for the period of 96-18 used CQC05 suppressed 5.8x21mm smg but that cartridge class appears to have the same future potential as pocket Pagers and VCRs.
It’s not that Norinco doesn’t have the potential to change and offer a suppressor for the 5.8x42mm. They could. On occasion seen photos that seem to have a 5.8mm rifle with one, But few far between. A lot seems to be the Doctrine question. The Chinese market doesn’t exist for such outside the military. Where in the west Suppressors for small arms have a civilian market potential as in most Western nations (not the US) Suppressors are viewed as a safety device with the restrictions being as loose as getting a license for a firearm. Which drove the market to develop and mature more.