Is the 3 snipers 5.8, 7.62 and 12.7? I remembered that the 8.6mm sniper hade another muzzle device. Does that mean that the 8.6mm got discarded?
That one at the left upper corner is the 8.6mm for sure. Look at the size of that magazine compare to the 7.62 sniper rifle. It could simply be a model without the muzzle device.
My observation is that this is surely NOT the entire family. I think this is the main weapons for a certain type of forces/unit. You can see that the 191 precision variant is put right next to the 7.62mm type 201 (yes, that's a 7.62, look at the buttstock), like a machine gun set up. This could mean that this particular unit does NOT want a 5.8mm type 201 machine gun, but will use the 191 precision as the SAW. AND there is an over-representation of SMG's and 3 different pistol model.
I like this concept. I think this is either a spec-ops brigade unit, or an air assault unit. We saw the latest 军武零距离 ( show documenting a live-fire training session with the Air Assault brigade. What I have noticed is that they have the regular 191 and 192's. but for SAW, they seem to have retained the QBB95-1 SAW. This could be their particular doctrine, they want the Air Assault squad to be slim and agile.
Look closely at that rifle at the upper left corner, and compare to this example of 8.6mm below (note the slanted bottom magazine):