PLA Next Generation Main Battle Tank


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Tanks for mountain combat in the Himalayas? I think we should make peace with India. Because the US is our most dangerous adversary. Besides, airpower will nullify any advantages in tank technology. Instead of developing 4th gen tanks we should continuously upgrade our current inventory.

I'm passionate about hypersonic missiles and even scramjet powered space planes is that it's the type of technology that acts as a massive force multiplier.

A space plane powered by a combination scram jet and conventional turbine engine could accurately bombard enemy positions at hypersonic speeds, which makes it impervious to enemy air defense and outrun US a2a missiles which means the F-35 is completely useless against such an aircraft.

This is a much larger force multiplier than 4th gen tanks. If we dominate the air, we dominate the battle space.
I reckon you haven't fully understood my viewpoints, therefore I recommend you read my replies again. Of course we need strategic forces, of course we need to develop them, and that's what we're doing now. But not all affairs can be settled with only strategic forces, nor will all be settled in a relatively pleasant and cost-effective way. You need to think more than just using nukes to send people to hell. And I reclaim, that China-US confrontation will not go into a conflict of war, both leaders are well aware what such a scenario would bring, this claim is supported by dozens of articles by the Chinese military english channel. Strategic weapons would remain strategic, acting as a bargaining chip, a threat, and a peacekeeper, instead of doing what they will do in a worst scenario of a war. For regional settlements with India and Taiwan, tactical forces like the ground force would instead play the role of a threat. And if war really starts, will act as what they're intended, to destroy enemy opposing forces at low cost and high efficiency in a relatively peaceful manner, instead of mass killing with hugely expensive nukes.


Conceptual illustrations from research papers on armored vehicles. Could be relevant, or not.




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Conceptual illustrations from research papers on armored vehicles. Could be relevant, or not.


TBH Why he posted these two today was because he was trying to have a debate ithy me on weibo. lol. Both pics matter little tho, first being the 3D simulator model of the 125mm multi-use gun weapon system (not such a leading edge in research I guess) Second one simply just a demonstration modeling that doesn't say anything. (PS the guy is actually not very welcomed in the Chinese community,especially after once he messed up with a certain somebody who's actually professional. :confused: )


Junior Member
TBH Why he posted these two today was because he was trying to have a debate ithy me on weibo. lol. Both pics matter little tho, first being the 3D simulator model of the 125mm multi-use gun weapon system (not such a leading edge in research I guess) Second one simply just a demonstration modeling that doesn't say anything. (PS the guy is actually not very welcomed in the Chinese community,especially after once he messed up with a certain somebody who's actually professional. :confused: )
What's your weibo name?


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From a domestically-published 201 Institute owned magazine ("Tanks and Armoured vehicles", blurred parts of it because domestically-published magazines are legally listed as state secret). No description of what it is.

Some features: 7 road wheels, active hydraulic suspension, 2 crew members and an unmanned turret. The frontal and top armour are also changed/improved largely.


Personal speculation is that this thing is something similar to the 201 concept:
Which has 7 road wheels and 2 crew members. Of course, it may as well be something else instead of a 4th gen concept. (like a 7 roadwheel concept testbed) I must also mention that 7 wheels doesn't necessarily mean more weight.

I hope public distribution of this picture can be restricted. Content of one of my previous posts was wide spread out, which is not a thing I hoped to see. Luckily that post was information about an export tank, but who knows what might be leaked next time. I beg for your understanding and cooperation. Thanks comrades.


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From a domestically-published 201 Institute owned magazine ("Tanks and Armoured vehicles", blurred parts of it because domestically-published magazines are legally listed as state secret). No description of what it is.

Some features: 7 road wheels, active hydraulic suspension, 2 crew members and an unmanned turret. The frontal and top armour are also changed/improved largely.

View attachment 60823

Personal speculation is that this thing is something similar to the 201 concept:

Which has 7 road wheels and 2 crew members. Of course, it may as well be something else instead of a 4th gen concept. (like a 7 roadwheel concept testbed) I must also mention that 7 wheels doesn't necessarily mean more weight.

I hope public distribution of this picture can be restricted. Content of one of my previous posts was wide spread out, which is not a thing I hoped to see. Luckily that post was information about an export tank, but who knows what might be leaked next time. I beg for your understanding and cooperation. Thanks comrades.
Does the document specifically mention 2 crew members or because it has 2 hatches on the hull? Because Armata also has only 2 hatches despite having 3 crew members.


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Registered Member
Does the document specifically mention 2 crew members or because it has 2 hatches on the hull? Because Armata also has only 2 hatches despite having 3 crew members.
That's why I call it a personal speculation... However judging by the width of the hull it seems not wide enough for a 3-men crew, and 201 seems to have no interest in introducing a 3-men crew tank, cause it seems kind of unfinished...


Registered Member
From a domestically-published 201 Institute owned magazine ("Tanks and Armoured vehicles", blurred parts of it because domestically-published magazines are legally listed as state secret). No description of what it is.

Some features: 7 road wheels, active hydraulic suspension, 2 crew members and an unmanned turret. The frontal and top armour are also changed/improved largely.

View attachment 60823

Personal speculation is that this thing is something similar to the 201 concept:

Which has 7 road wheels and 2 crew members. Of course, it may as well be something else instead of a 4th gen concept. (like a 7 roadwheel concept testbed) I must also mention that 7 wheels doesn't necessarily mean more weight.

I hope public distribution of this picture can be restricted. Content of one of my previous posts was wide spread out, which is not a thing I hoped to see. Luckily that post was information about an export tank, but who knows what might be leaked next time. I beg for your understanding and cooperation. Thanks comrades.
What is the yellow thingy at turret ring?