PLA Next Generation Main Battle Tank


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I guess the hull looks close to one demonstrated at presentation, but turret is different, looks closer to 99 imitation


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Cope cages aren't fool proof. A UAV dropped munitions or even FPV can easily mission kill a tank.
Drones will flourish big time in the coming years, i could see not only UAV but also ground based tank killer a bit like the FIREANTS of the 80s, making ambushes. A bit like hunting with ATV and ATGM but without personnel... Remote ATGM launches are already used.

MBT able to be used proficiently like Self-propelled artillery would be interesting.
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Drone dropped bomb like this is arguably very dangerous because unlike ATGM or loitering munition, they fell at very low speed so the APS don't register it as threat. Making the APS too sensitive against low velocity projectile risk accidental activation if someone throw stones at the tank. Some kind of laser weapon to knock out the drone before it could drop their bomb might be necessary for future MBT.


Registered Member
Drone dropped bomb like this is arguably very dangerous because unlike ATGM or loitering munition, they fell at very low speed so the APS don't register it as threat. Making the APS too sensitive against low velocity projectile risk accidental activation if someone throw stones at the tank. Some kind of laser weapon to knock out the drone before it could drop their bomb might be necessary for future MBT.
Wow, look to have hit the engine hatch ? Merkava have the engine in the front a bit to the right. Some schema place 2 rounds behind the engine but i'm pretty sure it's not true, I don't thing there's ammo in the front there.

RKG-3 with fins ?
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Perhaps in the next parade.

By the way, does anyone know when is that suppposed to be?
If the precedence of last 3 parades hold, i.e. One parade every 10 years, the next one would be in 2029.

However, China does not always follow this rule, there may be unexpected parade before 2029 if the central government choose to do so, though so far there is no such sign that they will do it.


Registered Member
If the precedence of last 3 parades hold, i.e. One parade every 10 years, the next one would be in 2029.

However, China does not always follow this rule, there may be unexpected parade before 2029 if the central government choose to do so, though so far there is no such sign that they will do it.
Not necessarily.

In fact, there are two instances where military parades could be held before 2029.

The first could be on September 3rd, 2025, which would be the 80th Anniversary of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. In the current backdrop of worsening China-Japan relations and with Japan starting to publicly view China as their #1 enemy, it would be a timely occasion for Beijing to portray the necessary message to Tokyo.

The second could be on August 1st, 2027, which would be the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Liberation Army. A century has passed since the PLA was founded at Nanchang - I don't think any further explanation is required.
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