PLA next/6th generation fighter thread

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Registered Member
Pakistan getting J-35 within a few years is not too ridiculous now. I thought the Pakistanis were getting too ahead of themselves but maybe they knew of these two planes before anyone else
They must be having a party at their forum rn. Poor Deino is going get trolled hard there though. Not that I disagreed with him, but it seems that the Pakistani members are going to be proven right


Registered Member
"Muh our 6th-gens"

Should someone tell them that "cancelled/halted" projects don't count.
I mean all those besides RQ-180 and B-21 are just in the same hell as H-20. Like we hear that they're in "advanced stage" all the time whatever but no footage at all.

China flies CH-7 as well and it's a massive stretch to call either this or RQ-180 a 6th gen. B-21 is a bomber that if you force to be a a2a platform/sensor fusion node might be a 5.5 similar to J-20S. And currently B-21 production rate is a meme, it's lower than Su-57(!).

I mean if US claims they have a 6th gen just need to show footage.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I'm stunned. How is this achievable on 1.35% gdp budget?
Because larger % of Chinese economy is based on real goods and services, based on real value creation. Not virtual worthless money being created out of money (Wallstreet) for the top 1% to funnel wealth from the 99% and funding inefficiencies by printing dollars. China has to do actual and real leg work to prop up and push their economy.
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