In my model the intake isn't fully blocked by the cockpit, air flow separation and turbulence is certainly a possibility especially in high AoA maneuvers. (In a real aircraft, these would definitely been solved beforehand). I however don't possess fluid simulation software nor a wind tunnel to demonstrate my fictional about the blockage of air flow into intakes in that position right behind cockpit?
Guess I have to put a disclaimer on my model, everything Except the intake position has been explicitly hinted at, the intake position on my model was wholly decided by me to make the design appear "ugly" as it was rumored months ago. Do not construe it's location as an accurate depiction of the real aircraft.
I don't know what the purpose of this aircraft is, neither it's role or abilities as I do not work for AVIC, but based on the rumors of it being large aircraft with 3 engines with broad LO stealth capabilities, I purposely modeled it as if it were like a tactical bomber with a focus on stealth, speed, and range over a multirole/air superiority fighter. This could be completely wrong. But those are my reasonings to my intake configuration.