PLA New Dog Tag


Registered Member
I decoded it!

Following is the raw bytes of the QR code.

The first twelve bytes presumably are "李孟阳" in a unknown encoding.

Then we have "LI MENG YANG".

His blood type, "O".

His resident Identity number, "431121199604076911".

And finally a "0". The purpose of which remains unclear.

Again, the dog tag lacks the provision for Rh blood group designation even in this machine readable form.
The final "0" can be a candidate of the Rh designation if it is included in the tag. There are 10 possible values for this purpose (Ascii 30 to 39)
But I doubt it.
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Guys, you're getting all this wrong. You're assuming that the blood type printed is for blood transfusions.

Nope, it's to identify the soldier's personality!
