You missed reading my "Let's say ... is adequate".Where did you get 1 unit of Rh- blood per 10,000 soldiers from? Yes, that is clearly inadequate. Even 10 ten times that much is inadequate. On the other hand, making an argument this way is like saying that spreading one MRE amongst 100 soldiers in a company is clearly inadequate. Also, your assumption that civilian hospital blood banks don't transfer blood from other hospitals/blood banks due to this being cost- or time-prohibitive is definitely wrong. In fact for rare blood types this is the USUAL method of obtaining blood.
I just pulled a random number to compare with civilian peace time hospital. I can take 1 per 100 people if you like. So long as the percentage is the same between peace and battle, the comparison is still ok.
I did not assume that. Actually the easy transportation of civilian hospital is a supporting point to show that it is less desirable for soldiers to be Rh- in war time.
My comparison is to illustrate that in case of civilian peace time, the transportation is much easier, but for any field hospital (between the 10) it is dangerous or even impossible. Because of this, you must prepare 10 times of Rh- for the battle field than civilian peace time.