Lieutenant General
Shilao and friend's latest podcast where they discussed Liaoning's CSG at length. Judging from many factors (including Yankee who was like "by my eyes I judge from their waterline that they're loaded to full displacement, should be good for a month") they reckon the group will be out on the pacific for most of this month, coming back at around end of May.
This group will probably be in the news in the near future, personally I am hoping for a visit to Solomon Islands.
Well, this group’s escort composition is rather interesting with 5 DDG and only 1 FFG, whereas previously the mix between DDG and FFG were always pretty evenly balanced.
Personally I think that means there are potentially two SSNs escorting this CSG (compared to the standard one with previous groups and USN complements) to help balance out the ASW fleet component, and may potentially hint at a growing confidence within the PLAN about their ASW capabilities and SSNs.
While I think this fleet is going out primarily for standard training purposes, I think there is also an element of contingency planning involved with a view towards the Solomon Islands.
If things stay stable, I don’t think the fleet will go anywhere near the Solomons as that will just needlessly heap pressure on Sagavare. But I think he will sleep much better knowing such a powerful Chinese fleet is at sea.
The presence of such a powerful naval strike group in the pacific will give Australians hotheads some serious pause about actually following through with some of the more ridiculous ideas being shopped around like military intervention in the Solomon Islands. And if the Australian really did go full-retard and actually try a military invasion of the Solomon’s, that PLAN CSG will make short work of the Australian navy and Air Force, and probably can do a hell of a lot of damage on Australian mainland military installations to boot.