PLA Navy news, pics and videos

DaTang cavalry

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It is reported that the brigade has achieved unmanned reconnaissance aircraft ejection and take-off at sea, which has enhanced the early detection and attack capabilities of the services and arms joint landing operations. This operation overcomes unstable factors such as sea winds, big waves, high swells, etc. In the early stage of landing, it guided friendly neighbors and the enemy to attack, cleared the enemy's depth targets, and ensured that the subsequent landing troops successfully completed their tasks.


Lieutenant General
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First of all PLEASE do not hotlink images, we have an own uploader for images and second ... it was already posted:



Lieutenant General
Registered Member
First of all PLEASE do not hotlink images, we have an own uploader for images and second ... it was already posted:

I have to agree. At least use an imaging service like imgur and embed the image.
Regular web site images can be removed or the URLs can change on short notice. Direct links might even be blocked.
The built-in forum image system is easy to use, just copy & paste the image to the text box. My only gripe with it is that if you aren't logged in you can't see the images. I guess this is done to prevent DDoS attacks on the forum.

DaTang cavalry

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浙江海事局9月24日在中国海事局网站发布《实弹训练 浙航警0707》。

浙航警0707,东海,9月25日0730时至1730时在28-51.98N 122-12.23E、28-53.23N 122-13.87E、28-51.40N 122-15.70E和28-50.15N 122-14.08E四点连线水域范围内进行实际使用武器训练。禁止驶入。


DaTang cavalry

Junior Member
Registered Member
Translation to English:

Zhejiang Maritime Safety Administration released "Live Ammunition Training Zhejiang Maritime Police 0707" on the website of China Maritime Safety Administration on September 24.

Zhejiang Maritime Police 0707, Donghai, at 28-51.98N 122-12.23E, 28-53.23N 122-13.87E, 28-51.40N 122-15.70E and 28-50.15N 122- from 0730 to 1730 on September 25 14.08E Four-point connection water area for practical weapon training. No entry.

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Registered Member
A TV segment on the weapon testing ship Bisheng (around 4:15 mark).






Film clip has many gems including:

In formation in sea along with Test Ship 892, plus some other ships.

Some of the VLS firing scenes were from ship 892 instead of 891, likely to be PLA stock footage. You can see the Type 382 Top Plate radar rotating. 892 is fitted with the AJK-16 VLS for testing while 891 is fitted with U-VLS.

The Type 346A radar that used to be attached to the side of ship 892 for testing is gone.

There is a scene with a low altitude intercept of a SAM at a sea skimming target drone, although its not clear if the missile is an HQ-16 or HQ-9 and is PLA stock footage.

Some scenes of YJ-18 launching. The YJ-18 does not pop its motor after its launched from the VLS like the HQ-9 but simply burns from the start. The take off of the YJ-18 is slower than the HQ-9, almost leisurely compared to the immediate sprint of the HQ-9.

Antiship missile in terminal stage. With the fuzziness its hard to see what it is. My impression is that it is a rocket being without belly intake. Could be old YJ-81 stock footage but the rocket lacks midsection wings.

Scene shows an antiship missile literally slicing through its target like a bullet through butter. Could be stock footage.

Nothing really new or exciting happening on 891, other than testing EW equipment. Even these might have concluded some time ago.

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