I always get irritated whenever I speak about the Vietnam War and when I mention one major reason they (Vietnamese -but understandably) won the war was because of China support/involvement in the war but I always get the bs comment. Now I finally found a source to back that up and I will quote some of the interesting details.
Just some of the interesting details, source:
It is the people that counts:
NVA had alot of their Company/ Battlion level commanders cycles through the infantry school in Guangxi and upper echelon staff officers in Nanjing Military school. Not to mention that some of NVA officers actually served in Chinese Red Army.
In DBP and beyond NVA had PLA trained officers and even advisers coming from PLA that went through the tough grind of Korea. PLA also gave NVA large quantities of captured american made crewed infantry weapons from Korea... some times even better and more upto date than than the WW2 surplus Americans supplied french.
on the bigger/political side.
All of the mid and early century anti-colonial national liberation movement in mainland asia were joint at hips.
In the very beginning Ho Chi Min palled around with all the big notables in chinese revolutionary pantheons in paris in 1919. There is no way those guys will not help Ho.
Alot of vietnamese revolutionaries went to Yanan because they saw the national liberation movement in china was THE way to acheive their own national liberation. ditto for Koreans, so many ethnic Koreans served in red-army/8th route army/the 4th field army that after the chinese civil war they went back as a 3 infantry division formation that really formed the combat hardened core of the intial NKA that almost pushed the americans into the sea. KJL and his gurella band was,... how should I put it, rookies at military operations compare to the guys who came back from china. hence when that core was dissipated after Inchon and the collapse, (PLA general staff warned Kim about Inchon btw, he dismissed it)
Kim doesn't have any other forces that are nearly competent enough.
Communist ideology only played a seconardy part. National liberation was the heart and the driving impetus.