why are they not using some AI zoom cam to guide the laser, relying on human eye power in such age of technology...
1) it’s not a laser rifle. If you want a laser powerful enough to fry a drone it would be vehicle mounted. Not enough power and the optics are to sensitive. This is more likely a jammer.
so then why not a smart scope? Cost is one reason. Although there are smart scopes in testing and limited use by the worlds top tier military they cost a fortune. Generally Military don’t pay MSRP but the investment in such for wide scale deployment is not cheap.
The system is another. Drone jammers are powerful radio transmitters, having a transmitter next to sensitive electrics causes all kinds of problems. Even modern electronics can interfere with each other. Imagine putting your phone in your microwave oven. Think it will work after that? Getting around that demands shielding. Shielding adds weight. In that department of weight also comes reliability and ruggedness.
Simplicity of training also comes in. If the user already has knowledge of a rifle and simple sights it’s easy to cross train that user to the new system. If they have to learn the sighting system it’s going to take longer to qualify and deploy.