What are you even talking about? What brings you to such a daft conclusion that Jiaolong have shown minimal improvement in tactics, professionalism and equipment.What US defense paper?
This is not true.
That's the concept behind the ground force TZ brigades, whilst there might be overlapping mission sets, Jiaolong, as a naval commando unit, UNDER NAVAL COMMAND has naval-oriented mission sets.
You claiming what are and aren't "priority missions" is conjecture. VBSS capabilities are part of what sets Jiaolong navy commandos from just normal ground force TZ brigades
WHAT? Then what's the point of the navy having a navy SF doing navy stuff.
They've been doing this mission set in the Gulf of Aden for well over a decade. They've obtained experience and have had plenty of exchanges with better units, and yet have shown minimal improvement in tactics, professionalism, and equipment. Priority or not, the most likely explanation is that there has been a failure to improve and modernize.
Not cosplayers, they're from a training organization.
Just on the equipment side alone we have seen them move to better and bespoke diving equipment, NVGs, optics on all weapons, suppressors etc.
Look at the video PLAN did to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the CPC for example. Or some of the cross training we’ve now seen them do with PAP SF units. Or training units in African countries… all over the last 10 years.