PLA air operations in westpac region


Registered Member
The carriers would typically only have a CAP which is far smaller than 34x J-16

Based on 3 hours on station, my guess the 3 carriers usually only have 6+6+3 fighter jets on station
The carriers might also have F-35 which are 5th Gen aircraft.

You cant make a 1-to-1 comparison between J-16 and F-35


Registered Member
Who said anything about carriers, I didn’t?
But, hey, AGAIN, I get it:

What is the purpose of China sending out 34 fighter jets plus 12 bombers?

It's to make a statement that China is not intimidated by the presence of 3 carriers.


It's something the US will have to get used to in the future
The Western Pacific is just too close to the Chinese coast

james smith esq

Senior Member
Registered Member
What is the purpose of China sending out 34 fighter jets plus 12 bombers?

It's to make a statement that China is not intimidated by the presence of 3 carriers.

It's something the US will have to get used to in the future
The Western Pacific is just too close to the Chinese coast
And, we must, ALL, share your assumption as to the motivations of PLAAF planners?
There can’t possibly be any other interpretations as to the bases of their planning?
That’s indicative of narcissistic thinking!


Junior Member
Registered Member
America need to consider that Fujan and Guandong provinces are not isolated like kola peninsula or kamchakta. China can easily concentrate all of his airpower to sustain Taiwan annection, and in case of interference USA will surely lose some carrier groups leading fast to a larger escalation conflict where also mainland usa will be involved if the attack china mainland. Hint: nuclear war. The scope of china for taiwan (decapitate taiwan democratic party and stage a sort of hybrid war) is much easier than the soviet scope for western Europe (conquest of west germany and perhaps northern france). Consider Also that america is 12000 km away from taiwan and not only 6000 like from england


Junior Member
Registered Member
Damn, I feel like the readiness of the J-16 fleet must be higher than most types in PLA service.