PLA AEW&C, SIGINT, EW and MPA thread


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Is the effectiveness of PLA AWACS systems reduced in any way by using a turboprop platform vs a turbofan platform? Would an eventual AWACS based on an all-domestic C919 platform make sense?


Registered Member
Is the effectiveness of PLA AWACS systems reduced in any way by using a turboprop platform vs a turbofan platform? Would an eventual AWACS based on an all-domestic C919 platform make sense?
Turboprop is more fuel efficient therefor longer time in the air. Turbofan flies higher about 2000 metres (10000m vs. 12000m) which gives larger coverage area. One can not say one is better than the other without considering the mission demand.

Choosing a platform is based on many things including the above, but even more on logistic consideration. C919 is in the same class as 737, so it can be made a good AWACS, but that also means PLA has to pay for another development program they have already paid to turboprop based AWACS, and they will have another type to maintain, the costs may not worth the questionable "advantage" of turbofan platform.

IMO, There is a good reason for C919 AWACS when the existing turboprop AWACS fleet is close to retirement that demands switching to a new platform. So I would say C919 is possible, but not in the near term even when C919 is fully domesticated. In other words, PLA is not in a hury to switch.


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Turboprop is more fuel efficient therefor longer time in the air. Turbofan flies higher about 2000 metres (10000m vs. 12000m) which gives larger coverage area. One can not say one is better than the other without considering the mission demand.

Choosing a platform is based on many things including the above, but even more on logistic consideration. C919 is in the same class as 737, so it can be made a good AWACS, but that also means PLA has to pay for another development program they have already paid to turboprop based AWACS, and they will have another type to maintain, the costs may not worth the questionable "advantage" of turbofan platform.

IMO, There is a good reason for C919 AWACS when the existing turboprop AWACS fleet is close to retirement that demands switching to a new platform. So I would say C919 is possible, but not in the near term even when C919 is fully domesticated. In other words, PLA is not in a hury to switch.

Not to doubt your statement, but aren't most AWACS platforms in the West turbofan based? The most significant outlier would have to be the E-2D Hawkeye I would guess.

Just wondering why we see seemingly much greater use of turbofans on Western AWACS aircraft?


Registered Member
Not to doubt your statement, but aren't most AWACS platforms in the West turbofan based? The most significant outlier would have to be the E-2D Hawkeye I would guess.
IMO, E-2D is not an outliner because there is no alternative for that size for the given range etc. I also think turboprop aircraft is better in generating lift (short take-off). Turbofan gives more thrust but is pointless since you will use catapult any way.
Just wondering why we see seemingly much greater use of turbofans on Western AWACS aircraft?
Because China did not have a turbofan aircraft of the right size when they developped AWACS while both west and USSR/Russia had. You do with what you have. Once you are there you need a stronger reason to switch.
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