Y-8Q ASW...
(1500 x 1000)
And what is Your estimation concerning the units? Are these reassigned from the 9. NAD to the 8. NAD or is there indeed a second ASW unit established within the STC?
Y-8Q ASW...
(1500 x 1000)
And what is Your estimation concerning the units? Are these reassigned from the 9. NAD to the 8. NAD or is there indeed a second ASW unit established within the STC?
Well now assigned to the 8. Naval Air Division ... that's new or is the serial number psed??
I must admit that surprises me since already the 9th NAD in the STC flies that type and since the new 3. NAD in the ETC has gained KJ-500H, so that ASWs for the 3. NAD or even more the 2. NAD in the NTC I would have expected them more likely. Or is there another reorganisation in the making (following rumours, the Naval Aviation University also gained J-11BH/BSH from the 9. NAD) :what:
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A rare photo of Y-9G... No high-resolution available.