We see 5 operators after long research...! i have about 12 max for KJ-200/500, up to 15 for KJ-2000, good
But few datas for radar range etc... and seems KJ-500/2000 can track 60/100 targets, engaged ?
up to 470 km for a big target, KJ-200 much less capable 300 km ? in more her radar look only on 240°.
We've seen the KJ-2000 be mentioned with 470km, but we haven't got any numbers for KJ-200 that I remember.
However, I would hazard that we take the range and target tracking numbers with some salt, we really don't know against what kind of RCS they are for, nor do we know how they defined targets and track, and we also don't know if they've undergone any upgrades or block advancements in software since they were first introduced, or even if the original numbers were reliable to begin with.