Dear Sirs:
I for one believe that China has taken the right path in it's development of it's armored forces.
Despite the fast growth of the Chinese economy and corresponding increases in the PLA's budget, there is still not enough money to fund everything.
Despite the fact that I am a fan of armor and armored warfare, we must face the facts that tanks can no longer dominate the battlefield as they did in WWII.
Even with combined-arms strategy and the re-organization of the army into smaller units with greater mobility and fire-power, the dominant factors will be air power and striking power (rockets and missiles).
The step-by-step improvements of the Type 96 and Type 99 are a recognition of this shift in emphasis and strategy.
The money is better spent on missile and rocket-fired PGM's and other strike assets cued by satellites and UAV's in what the Soviets liked to call reconnaissance-strike complexes.
That is the future, like it or not, in more and more situations we will rely less and less on heavy armor.