Philippines Vs Taiwan... Troubled Waters


Senior Member
I'm starting to suspect the Philippines law enforcement agencies are filled dodgy unprofessionals. The important thing now for them is to offer apology and compensation. It is the right thing.

China mainland government need not get involved too much. It's not their problem. Let ma yingjiu deal with it. Or if his past behavior is any clue, do nothing much.


Lieutenant General
I am afraid that this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to nastiness in the disputed waters. There are rumors from Taiwanese BBS that the Filipino navy sometimes recruit former pirates, which may account for the lack of professionalism during this incidient.

BBS are also notorious for exaggerations or even blatant fabrications. Lets see a credible source or it didn't happen. :p
Re: Taiwan Vs Philippines...Troubled Waters

I notice that seems to be characteristic of the anti-China side. They'll say anything even knowing what they said might be proven wrong at any time. Just like with the claim of ramming first came up, I thought that can easily be confirmed if one took place and was awaiting pictures which I knew they would come. But knowing the truth isn't what's motivating them.

Does the Philippines (the country and government, not the people) have an actual hatred for Chinese in general? Putting Taiwan into the count, we will see a list of "nations"(nations as in cultural nations) that the Philippines have some major issues with: China, Hong Kong, Taiwan. China being our infamous dispute that they have; Hong Kong in terms of the unforgettable hostage crisis. It couldn't have been worse. And Taiwan of course for this.

And as for manillaboy..I've seen some of his biased postings in the past. He's quite anti-China and actually quite pro-Philippines. It's just that after some initial postings he had shifted most of this time posting Philippines news on this forum. Hope he doesn't mind me calling him out.

Finally, I don't know how they can just randomly blurt out cover stories without realizing they are backtracking their words every minute. No one will believe a fishing boat is aggressive especially if you disabled its engine. Popping the boat with lead and killing its engine and then killing the authorities are justified in any of such reckless actions. But then given again the Philippines is extremely corrupted, I won't be surprised with the quality of its government and its units.


Lieutenant General
Re: Taiwan Vs Philippines...Troubled Waters

Does the Philippines (the country and government, not the people) have an actual hatred for Chinese in general? Putting Taiwan into the count, we will see a list of "nations"(nations as in cultural nations) that the Philippines have some major issues with: China, Hong Kong, Taiwan. China being our infamous dispute that they have; Hong Kong in terms of the unforgettable hostage crisis. It couldn't have been worse. And Taiwan of course for this.

And as for manillaboy..I've seen some of his biased postings in the past. He's quite anti-China and actually quite pro-Philippines. It's just that after some initial postings he had shifted most of this time posting Philippines news on this forum. Hope he doesn't mind me calling him out.

Finally, I don't know how they can just randomly blurt out cover stories without realizing they are backtracking their words every minute. No one will believe a fishing boat is aggressive especially if you disabled its engine. Popping the boat with lead and killing its engine and then killing the authorities are justified in any of such reckless actions. But then given again the Philippines is extremely corrupted, I won't be surprised with the quality of its government and its units.

The only consistent thing about all recent government statements from the Philippines wrt to international disputes relating to the greater Chinese territories is their backtracking and changing stories.

Its almost become a given that the first thing the Philppines government has to say about any major international event will be different from the later versions. Not necessarily wrong mind you, just different.

Just think back to the Scarborough Shoal stand off. The original Phlippines statement was that one of their MPAs spotted the Chinese fishing boats in the shoal and a warship was dispatched. That was later changed to the warship detected the Chinese ships all by itself and went to investigate. But because the dispute was with China, all the western media just turned a blind eye to the Philippines' flip flopping and killed all reference to their original statement and just kept diligently repeating the Philippines official line as obediently as you please.


Lieutenant General
Re: Taiwan Vs Philippines...Troubled Waters

Does the Philippines (the country and government, not the people) have an actual hatred for Chinese in general? Putting Taiwan into the count, we will see a list of "nations"(nations as in cultural nations) that the Philippines have some major issues with: China, Hong Kong, Taiwan. China being our infamous dispute that they have; Hong Kong in terms of the unforgettable hostage crisis. It couldn't have been worse. And Taiwan of course for this.

And as for manillaboy..I've seen some of his biased postings in the past. He's quite anti-China and actually quite pro-Philippines. It's just that after some initial postings he had shifted most of this time posting Philippines news on this forum. Hope he doesn't mind me calling him out.

Finally, I don't know how they can just randomly blurt out cover stories without realizing they are backtracking their words every minute. No one will believe a fishing boat is aggressive especially if you disabled its engine. Popping the boat with lead and killing its engine and then killing the authorities are justified in any of such reckless actions. But then given again the Philippines is extremely corrupted, I won't be surprised with the quality of its government and its units.

Depends on how you look at it. The Philippines President is on the high end of corrupt on the Filipino scale so he's been covering up and using the tactic of distraction like you see with this incident. I believe he was a former actor? So he knows how to play things up. He's turned to anti-China alarmist to keep the Filipinos from paying attention to his corruption. Personally, the ones I know are nice. But they have their nationalists also. They tend to exploit situations for their gain.


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Jang De-hau (張德皓), director of the Coast Guard Administration’s Southern Coastal Patrol Office, said that if coast guard ships spotted the Philippine vessel that opened fire on a Taiwanese fishing boat on Thursday, killing a member of its crew, it would be seized.

Doubt we'll see MCS-3001 in those waters any time soon. About 44+ hours left and we'll see what direction this incident will take.


Staff member
Super Moderator
BBS are also notorious for exaggerations or even blatant fabrications. Lets see a credible source or it didn't happen. :p

To be fair, law enforcement in third world countries in general aren't much better than the average thugs. Fishermen from both the Mainland and Taiwan typically fear being essentially taken hostage by South East Asian maritime patrol since their boats and equipments are prohibitively expensive. Their families often have to fundraise in order to "buy" their loved ones back.


Junior Member
I'm starting to suspect the Philippines law enforcement agencies are filled dodgy unprofessionals. The important thing now for them is to offer apology and compensation. It is the right thing.

China mainland government need not get involved too much. It's not their problem. Let ma yingjiu deal with it. Or if his past behavior is any clue, do nothing much.

you don't need to suspect at all, there is a reason why those ethnic Chinese pinoys (who are the favorite targets of domestic kidnapping because of their wealth) DO NOT REPORT TO POLICE when they get kidnapped. its because the police are sometimes the kidnappers themselves or b) they are so incompetent you will be surely dead anyways with police help!


Lieutenant General
I've read that the video of the incident was leaked so we should be seeing it soon. It sounds like it's not in The Philippines favor.


Junior Member
What a screw-up of epic proportions by the Filipinos again!

First we had witnessed their "competent" SWAT team and then the Scarborough standoff and now they couldn't even get their story right without backtracking. They can't even do PR right!:D