Does the Philippines (the country and government, not the people) have an actual hatred for Chinese in general? Putting Taiwan into the count, we will see a list of "nations"(nations as in cultural nations) that the Philippines have some major issues with: China, Hong Kong, Taiwan. China being our infamous dispute that they have; Hong Kong in terms of the unforgettable hostage crisis. It couldn't have been worse. And Taiwan of course for this.
And as for manillaboy..I've seen some of his biased postings in the past. He's quite anti-China and actually quite pro-Philippines. It's just that after some initial postings he had shifted most of this time posting Philippines news on this forum. Hope he doesn't mind me calling him out.
Finally, I don't know how they can just randomly blurt out cover stories without realizing they are backtracking their words every minute. No one will believe a fishing boat is aggressive especially if you disabled its engine. Popping the boat with lead and killing its engine and then killing the authorities are justified in any of such reckless actions. But then given again the Philippines is extremely corrupted, I won't be surprised with the quality of its government and its units.