Here's all I know:Hey Jeff.. I remember reading that the Turkish navy wanted to build and LHD/LHA or LPH. Any idea where this plan stands today? thanks!
In 2007 the Turkish Undersecretariat for Defense Industries indicated that Turkey was interested in procuring one or more LPDs, or LPH type vessels for the Turkish Navy.
In mid 2008, the following report was made regarding Turkish interest in having the South Koreans build these vessels for Turkeu.
Report said:Defense officials from South Korea and Turkey opened five-day talks over bilateral defense cooperation in Ankara, the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said Tuesday.
High on the agenda is South Korea's cooperation on Turkey's shipbuilding program to develop amphibious large-deck landing ships, a DAPA official said.
In a September 2009 report from the Turkish Military, when speaking of their overall expansion and modernization plans, they had this to say:
Turkish Defense Ministry said:The defense ministry goal is to acquire one or two LPDs (landing platform-docks), two LSTs and eight LCTs. A contract has been awarded to local builder Adik-Furtrans for the LCTs, which will be 1,200 tons and 80 meters long, capable of 20 kt. and able to carry 320 tons of cargo. The competition for the LSTs is in its final phase, with Adik battling RMK to supply the 5,000-ton, 18-kt. vessels, which will have a 1,200-ton cargo capacity and helicopter deck. LPD plans are moving slower, since the 20,000-ton vessels could be too big for local military shipbuilders. There is a need for a foreign partner to supply design and technical assistance.
The LCT vessels are the ones just completed and shown in my earlier post.
, which several manufacturers responded to, including shipyards inside of Turkey.
In late 2011 and throughout 2012 is was rumored that Turkey was planning on selecting a design soon. No design has yet been selected.
The Spanish are offering a version of the Juan Carlos, like they siold to Australia as the Canberra Class, the Koreans are offering a version of the Dokdo, apparently the French would (or course) like to offer a Mistral design, and there has been talk of the Turks considering a Chinese design, either a 20,00 ton LPH, or the larger LHA the Chinese themselves are considering.
I saw the following design that the Turkish Ministry of Defense is also considering from Turkish RMA Marine (and at this point the Turks would rather build whatever they get in their own yards if they can):